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Delhi, such a beautiful place. But is equally haunting. .. She saw the glamorous shops , the all too tall skyscrapers, the gaudily dressed up women and the haughty men with their fancy cars...

But she felt something else entirely, something was calling out to her... The kids on the street, the old lady selling bangles, the little girl with balloons. Taking out her camera, she captured each and every facade of the beautiful Delhi. ..

Shuffling through the pictures she came across that one which Titli had asked to delete not just from the camera but from her heart.

The first time she had seen Shreyan. In the midst of the kolkata bazaar, there was hustle and bustle everywhere because of the sudden rain but there he was a haunted look in his eyes, not even remotely aware of the heavy rain. There was no emotion , absolutely nothing on his face but his eyes said something else. It had no hope. Not even the slightest bit. As if he had his world tumbled upside down. As if he was fighting with himself. She had captured his picture and he had become her project . With that started their friendship. It was a long , very long in fact and a very difficult fierce journey.

God, she missed him. Dearly. Extremely. Her body yearned his warm touch. Her heart yearned his support .
Every little thing floated in her mind's eye. His lopsided naughty smile, His husky voice and every little thing he did. Those little things constitutes him.

She was well aware of the fact as to how deeply and madly and irrevocably she loved him. She knew that she will never be able to forget him. But she needed to build a life without him.

Even if it meant dying each day little by little.
Even if it meant that no longer would she have that smile that people appreciated nor would she have the warming physical touch.

But she needed to.
Into the thin air she said "goodbye". Though her heart refused to believe it.
"Sometimes I think you want me to touch you,
But how can I when you build those great walls around you?...."
Come on ppl. .. I could do with a bit of inspiration. ..
The song's China by Tori Amos.
Will make you cry ppl! Listen to it once. ...

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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