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" All right, Mojo. I got the car. Now, I need a girl. I need money to take out the girlis what I need." Athena watch him look at his laptop to see that no one is buying his great grandfather's glasses, making him sigh." Zro bids. Great. Broke." he muttered.

"I do not understand why would you sell off your great grandfather's glasses? Isn't that important to your families Heirloom?" Athena asked as she shut the book in her hands and sat up from the couch. " Well, it's useless and I need money so badly though." Sam said to her before looking back to his dog." Come on Mojo." he said as his chihuahua, who has a cast on his leg for running and break it, follows him while barking." You want your pain pills?" Sam asked as he opens the cabinets and pulls out the pills and reads the description." Uh. . . . No. Premature. Good." he says to himself as Athena shook her head at him before she lays back to the couch and read her book as Sam went outside.

Athena could hear the voices from both of her stepparents about him stepping on the new grass that her stepfather just planted, making her rolled her eyes and sat up. " It's just a grass." she muttered as she stood up and start headed towards her room. Once she was in her room, she close the door behind her and headed towards the window to see Sam's car droves away as she could hear her stepmother shouts at Sam, saying." I want you home at eleven o'clock!" as Sam left. Athena knows that he's going to the tonight's party, even though he's not invited but whatever.

Athena headed towards to her bed and lay down as she continued reading about the medicines and stuff, after she finished reading about the history or world war 2. However, while reading she couldn't help it but feels tired. She yawn as she shut the book before putting it on the desk beside her before laying on her back and close her eyes as darkness welcomes her.


As Darkness surrounded Athena she thought she might having a dream about her twin brother, or getting torture over and over again. But it didn't. Instead, she was greeted by a sound of a gasp making her snap her eyes open and came face to face against a giant being in front of her.

Athena's eyes widen in shock as she and the giant being stared at each other. In front of her was a giant being, that appeared to be a humaniod mechanics or a robot. But this isn't man made. She could see the emotion through its eyes. It held, surprise, amazed, confuse, and curious throught its blue glowing eyes that looks like a galaxy filled with stars.

The giant robot was covered with red and blue paint job and appeared to be a masculine figure base to Athena's observance. She didn't know that the giant being start letting out a chirps, whistle, and clicks out making her snap out of her shock daze and stared at Him, thanks to her analysis, with confusion on her face. " What?" she asked in confusion as he look at her with the same expression on his robotic face.

"You're different towards A.I robots." Murmured Athena as she watch hin take a catious walk towards to her and kneel down." Though, what are you?" asked Athena before she realize that he couldn't understand her." Oh yeah. He can't understand me." Murmured Athena as she face palm at her self. The male robot tilted his head in confusion before he softly poke her. " As much your curious about me, pleace don't poke me too hard." Athena said to him, while giving him an uncomfortable look on her face after getting poke.

She watch him tilted his head before let out a serious of chirp and click as Athena realize that its his language." I wonder." Murmured as she watch the giant bot stood up and walked away, before stoping. He turn his robotic head to look at her then quickly face in front of her and went towards to her and kneel down." What is it?" asked Athena as she notice the expression on his robotic face. She felt a electric shock making her gasp as this the same feeling when she got electric shock by Sam's new car. She and the giant robot's eyes went wide making both of them take a step back while the giant robot stood up and clumsily fall on his butt." Wha?" Athena said before freezine when a masculine voice spoke.

"You. . . . . ..my. . . . . .sp. . . . . "

"What?" asked Athena as she frow her eye brows in confusion before she gasp as everything around start glitching. She look at her hand to see it glitching. She look up and saw that the bot look surprise yet horror before he shouted something before everything around turn dark.



"Athena? You awake?"

Athena snap her eyes wide and let out a silent gasp as she shot up straight in her bed, breathing heavily as tiny sweat rolled down from her forhead. 'What. . . . was that?' thought Athena, clenching her chest as she could feel her heart was beating too fast as she could feel her powers was slipping through her finger tips making her hold it back.

"Athena? Hello?" 

she snap out of it when she heard her step little brother called out outside of her room." Yeah, I'm alright. Just went to take a nap. What's up?" Athena said as Sam opens the door and saw her sitting on her bed. " Are you alright? your sweating much?" asked Sam with worried look on his face. Athena wave her hand at him and gave him a reasuring smile on her face." I'm fine little brother. It's just a little hot now though." she lied through her mouth while smiling. Sam nodded, feeling unsure about it but decided not to ask her much." So, what's up Little brother? Do you have fun?" she asked him as she remembers him went towards the party or some sort.

"Yeah! Me and Miles wen to the party. Which is a public property." Sam said with a smile on his face. Athena raise her eye brow at him and asked," And you brought Miles with you? How do you know that you two are both invited?" Sam rubbed the back of his neck while smiling sheepishly at his older stepsister." Well, not exactly but hey! I got a ride with the hottest girl in my class!" Sam said with a huge grin on his face making Athena raise her eye brow at him while giving him a knowing smile." Let me guess.. . . . . Mikaela." she said as Sam stared at her with wide eyes." How did you know?" he asked as Athena laugh and answered" Sam, I know you since when you were born. Haven't you forgetting that you always talks about her to me back when you start on high school?" Sam blink at her before smiling sheepishly at her." Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

 Athena laugh before standing up and gave him a congrats pat on his shoulder." But congrats getting your girl in you dreams. But take it slow though. You don't want her thinking that your a creep." she said with a smile, making Sam gave his older stepsister a dirty look before playfully push her away, making the young adult laugh as Sam went to his room.

Athena smile softly at her step little brother before frowning as she sigh. She rub her forehead as she couldn't forget the image of a giant robot in her strange dream. It felt like. . . . . .It was real. She frown as she close her door and headed towards to the window. She look over and stared at Sam's car with suspicious look on her face.

"What ever you are, I'll make sure I keep my family save. I don't know that if your a foe or a friendly being but I still don't like this." Athena said to herself as she narrowed her eyes at the car before shutting the window with the curtains before heading towards to her bed to take a sleep. Hopefully, it won't be the same dream that happen back then or nightmares about her and her deceased twin brother getting experiment or being torture into bits.

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