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After arriving, Sam and the other hops out as Sam turn his attention to Mikaela and gave her a stern look on his face."Okay, We need you to stay here, all right? You got to stay here and you're gonna watch them." he said as Mikaela nodded." Okay, okay." she says as Sam gave her a pleading yet stern look on his face again." All of them. Do you hear what I'm saying?" he asked at the end making Athena rolled her eyes at him and pulls him away, giving Mikaela a smile." Just keep on eye on them about five minutes Okay?" Athena asked as Mikaela nodded and gave her a reasuring smile as she watch them go.

Athena was walking ahead of Sam, but almost stop when she saw her stepfather, who was watching them not happy look on his face."Hey Dad." Athena awkwardly greeted her stepfather, who nodded at her." Athena, you're late this evening." he said as Athena gave him a shrugs as she walk passed him, after he opens the screen door for her to get in." You know me, I love evening walks though. It helps me feel relax and refresh." Lied Athena as she turn her head over her shoulder, to see Sam is walking on the grass. Again. Making her face palm at him as her stepfather was not happy about it.

"Thanks for staying on my path." her stepfather said with sarcasm in his voice as he close the door, making Sam panics as he quickly walks on the path and stop right in front of the Door." Oh, yeah. No, no, no, Dad. Hey! The, oh, the path. I'm sorry. I forgot about the path." Sam quickly apologize as Athena murmured to herself about having a stupid little stepbrother." I'm gonna sweep the whole thing right now. How about that?" Sam offered as their father gave him not impress look on his face and said," You know, I buy half of your car. . ." Sam nodded and said," Yeah."

"Then I bail you out of the jail and then I just decided to do all your chores." Athena winced at that. Not doing your chores is a big no no in this family. Luckily, she did her chores before Sam start running out of the house after being chased by Bumblebee." The chores. . . Oh." Sam said as he realized it.

"yeah, Life is great huh?" Athena notice that the bots transformed into their robot form as she could see Optimus, quietly hop over the bush, with the others following him. "Oh you got to be kidding me." Murmured Athena in horror as Sam saw this making him panic as he turn his attention back to his father." Life, well, life is fantastic, is how good it is. It's so. . . .so-Oh, the trash cans. Sorry, Dad, I'm gonna do the trash cans now." Sam said as he tried to make their dad go away before he could see giant robots are heading towards the house.

"No, no, I don't want you to strain yourself." Ron tries to open the door, making both siblings panic as Sam quickly pushed the door back, preventing their father to come out of the house." No, Don't, I won't strain myself, Dad." He said as he keep looking in the corner of his eyes." I'll do it. Come-" their Father was cut off when Athena decided to help her little stepbrother." It would hurt Sam's feelings if you do it." she said as she watch her stepfather looks at her then back to Sam." You sure? I don't mind, I don't mind, I promise. . ." he insisted but the two siblings shook their heads as Sam spoke," No, no, no, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do the trash cans and I'm gonna scrape the grill and I'm gonna, I'm gonna sweep up the whole, uh, house. Right now."

"Tonight, right now?" asked their father with raise eye brow at him, making Sam nodded. " Right now." he said as Athena saw Bumblebee peeking over, letting out a curious whirl making her gave him a shushing motion, telling him to be quiet. Which Bumblebee notice her and her action and gave her the same shushing motion while nodding as he undestand it before turning to the other Autobots, telling them to be quiet.

" The, Uh, I love you, god, i love you just so much right now." Sam said as Athena look at him and gave him a look like ' Sam, wtf?' as Ron raise his eye brow at him and said," You know, Mom wanted me to ground you. You're three minutes late." he said as Sam blink for a second before speaking," Wait, why me? what about Athena?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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