𝙤𝙣𝙚. ousted

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This story does not start with cheers and smiles, like the usual happy openings in fiction, in fact, it starts with screams of despair and anguish, partnered with flames and clashing swords here and there.

What supposed to be the celebration for the birthday and proclamation as crown princess of the eldest child of the L/N kingdom, turned into a disastrous event.

"Mikasa, they're near!" Eren, one of the royal guards, yelled as he finally caught up with the three.

"Hurry!" Mikasa, the princess' lady in waiting, who's already on her horse to look for sudden intruders, yelled at Armin, the princess' personal guard, who prepares the only horse left for them to escape as he hands weapons to the crown princess.

"Princess Y/N" he looked at her with a sad face as he passes her sword. He is pained to see the sight of the princess, void of any emotions. She used to have a beautiful smile on her face, and she was just so happy with her family just a few moments ago.

She was supposed to be enjoying this night, dancing at her own proclamation ball as the crown princess, but she suddenly found herself being dragged away to the secret passages of the palace in order to escape death.

Y/N only took the weapons up from Armin as if she was a lifeless doll, the current events, the painful screams of her younger brother and sister dying in front of her eyes still echoes in her mind, and what her parent's last words still hasn't sunk in, her brain still refusing to process and believe that this wasn't a nightmare, but a reality.

"Remember Y/N, the throne belongs to no one but you, thus, no matter what happens, reclaim it, it is yours to begin with, now go! And don't worry about us, we love you"

"We need to go! Let princess Y/N ride with you Armin!" Eren yelled, getting impatient as he sees the enemies are coming. "They'll probably find us!"

Armin offered his hand to her but Y/N refused to take it, instead, she took the bow and arrow, slung it across her back and climbed the horse herself. Her eyes still void of any emotions.

"Let's go" she said and without further ado, they ran away, taking the secret path only the royal family knows, but it seemed that the enemies were tipped off of this route as they suddenly found them and charged at them.

"The princess is there! Get them! Lord Zeke ordered to wipe the royal family out!"

"This is annoying" Mikasa muttered as she ripped her gown which was getting in the way, it was her duty to protect the princess as well, she wasn't just an ordinary lady in waiting, she was also a knight. But what shocked her was the sudden change of attitude of the princess. Just earlier she looked like a lifeless doll, but now determination and bloodlust were visible in her eyes. The princess's first arrow for the day hit a bullseye, one man falling down from his horse.

It was no secret within the royal family, council and knights, that Y/N wasn't a damsel in distress, in fact, she also has a rank in the order of the knights. But outsiders view her as a fragile princess, that is because she was raised to act as if she doesn't know how to wield weapons when in public. It has actually been a tradition in their family that all members, man or woman must undergo training, for when times like this comes, they could defend themselves.

And that time did come today.

"Armin, just keep on moving forward!" Y/N yelled as she ripped her skirt out, her gowns were always dual purpose, as she wears pants underneath, just like Mikasa.

Arrows were shot here and there as Y/N commands Armin which direction to take so that they could avoid the enemies' attacks, but then suddenly, they were outnumbered and they were cornered in a cliff. Y/N muttered a curse. It's as if it was already checkmate, but then she glanced down the cliff, she couldn't back down now, she will never let them take away her life. Not another person, and especially not her enemies who ousted her and her family from the throne.

"Princess, don't worry I'll find a way for us to—" but Armin's eyes suddenly widened as Y/N was already falling behind him, it's as if everything around him went mute and in slow motion, Mikasa and Eren were both busy fighting the others that they were utterly shocked when Armin yelled out the princess's name desperately.

"No! Y/N!" he tried to grab her, but she only gave him a smile, and mouthed the words "Find me, whatever it takes" as she slipped away from his grasp.

"PRINCESS Y/N!" Mikasa yelled as she runs towards her while slashing everyone that was in the way, it was an unsightly sight for a lady to be splattered with blood, but Mikasa only thought of the princess, she was launching forward, almost falling from the cliff too, but Eren pulled her back just in time.


"No! The princess! Let me go!" Mikasa was enraged, she screamed then charged at the enemies, Eren and Armin did the same and fought against everyone, slashing each of them down, letting their anger and frustration out, until they actually finished all of the enemies, which left the three of them in a bloody mess.  Mikasa was the first to plop down the floor as her energy was already depleted, their breaths were slow and they winced in pain.

Suddenly, Mikasa heard faint sobs beside her.


"She said to find her...no matter what" Armin said in between sobs. "That's her last words...It means..." Armin was lost for words, the sight of the princess falling from his grasp traumatized him. The guilt was eating him up.

"She meant whether she is dead or alive" Eren finished his sentence for him which made him clench his fists.

"Eren...Mikasa...I wasn't even able to..."

"Tell her" Eren once again finished his sentence, he knew very well what Armin meant by that. He and Mikasa were holding back their tears as well.  Eren was the princess's younger brother's guard, and he is already blaming himself for not being able to protect the prince, how much more for Armin who thought he will be able to protect the princess by his side, but suddenly just literally and figuratively slipped away from his hands?

"Come on, Armin. This isn't the time to wallow in tears as there is still hope, not until we find her highness' body with our own eyes" Mikasa said, wiping the tear that unwillingly escaped her eye.

"Let's escape, get our wound treated and find her...no matter what it takes" she said, her grip on her sword tightened. "No matter what it takes, Armin" she repeated, glancing over Eren as well who gripped his sword tightly and responded with a firm nod. 

"No matter what it takes"


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