A Bed in the Lions

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We make our way to Blue, after the revelation that there're beds in the lions. Shiro and Keith insisted that I show them where and which Botton. As we climb into Blue's cockpit I call "Im home" which I receive a rumble in return.
I click a sequence of buttons and click a clip in place the pilot chair folded and the arms slid down next to the chairs legs. Two cushions clicked into place around the chair making it a single bed a blanket than slipped out of a hole in the roof and was suction onto the mattress. Out of the wall came a sleeping bag and pillow. Shiro's mouth dropped so did Keith's, "so yeah this is where I sleep. I usually go to bed after everyone so no notices I'm up before everyone gets up. So I get ready in the bathroom. I have a skin condition if I don't get enough moisture in my skin it drys and cracks painfully that's why I seem so extra about my beauty products. I have to be." I look down, waiting to hear all sorts of ridicule. "Lance, we're not going to say anything bad now we know it's for health reasons." Shiro's calm response started me. I look up at him and Keith "also are you really only sixteen" Keith's voice seem sceptical I glared at him "Yes" I yawned my body now tired my mind sluggish but my eyes wide I didn't sleep when others where near it took me days to get used to hunks presence in the dorms.
"We'll leave you to sleep." Shiro grabs Keith and walks out of blue. "Night" he turns to me with a wave "good night" I responded quickly without thinking I responded in altean. I wait for Shiro to ask but he must keep the translator on all the time because he said nothing. Turning to my bed I sensed the barrier being replaced and smiled I slowly crawled into my freshly made bed blue turned on the reflector making it seem as if I was underneath water. I smiled as I closed my eyes. "Night Blue"  her rumble in response drifted me to sleep.

————————————————————————sorry for the short chapter I will improve I just got back from a family trip no phones.

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