The Soldier; The Poet; The King

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Once upon a time...

-Don't start it like this- Olivia interrupted me. I take a big breath.

The story I'm telling happened a lot of times ago in a place that will never find in any maps or history books, a small island where the first shooting star fell, in the sea of Asia, probably close to Korea or maybe the Philippines, actually nobody can tell.
The royal family gives birth to two princes, Uk the first birth, the crown prince and the three years younger, Namjung.
As second kid nobody other than the servant take so much attention to what Namjung doing in the palace. That's how he became friend with two other child his same age.
Chomi, the son of the court doctor. Namjung was always a chaotic baby and get hurt easily, past a lot of time in the infirmary. Chomi was exactly like him, so they became friends fast even against the queen wishes who, for the first three year, try her best to take the two away from each other. Disappointed she gives up but always try to destroy the friendship, her son never understood why. He doesn't know that some voices around the palace said that Chomi was another son of the king, he learn about it later on his adulthood.
Then was Jinmu, the son of the queen servant, a calm kid, youngest of seven. Namjung meet him a day in September when they was six, the prince was learning alphabet and the other was spying on him. When Jinmu get couch Namjung asked why, the answer arrived fast.
-I want to learn too- The prince subscribe that the son of a servant is not allowed to learn, so he demanded Jinmu as his own personal servant and, during night time, Namjung repeated everything he learn to the other kid and ask him to copy everything he have already written.
The three became inseparable, Namjung and Chomi always with crazy idea and Jinmu get the most dangerous one out of their heads. Namjung and Jinmu study every night until late and Chomi, who never understood anything that his mother tried to teach him, don't understand his friends knowledge desire.
The trio grow up; as son of the king but not the crown prince Namjung started to training for being part of the king army and Chomi followed him since he doesn't want to became a doctor like his mother. Jinmu was happy to take that hereditary and started to being Chomi's mother pupil. Once the woman ask him how the have the same education of a prince, Jinmu just smiled and the woman doesn't need anything else for know what the son of the king did.
Years past and the island seems always the same utile a terrible epidemic started. Nobody knew where it come from, was really difficult for Jinmu and his master to take it under control, but the epidemic arrived inside the castle.
When the king get sick he was already really old and his wife dead a couple of years prior, so he doesn't want any medication, just ask to assist at his son, Uk, coronation.
The epidemic ended after three years and the island was happy about the new king and his brother who became the general of the king army.
Utile the war started, nobody in that island know who their enemies was, they just know that eight ships comes from the see. When the enemies attack the king army was ready and strong so Namjung ask his brother to stay in the palace safe, but Uk think that as a king he suppose to be with his soldier.
The war was win but they suffered the biggest lost, king Uk the unmarried, without any son.
The people was shocked and hungry with Namjung accused him to fail the only job he had, protect the king. Everyone ask to Namjung to not ascend to the throne and call Chomi name as a king using the rumors about him being the king illegitimate son.
Namjung was confused and scared, one think he knows for shore in his all life, he will never be the king, and now his people ask him to abdicate and give the throne to his friend screaming that he is his brother.
Chomi was proving his same emotions just for different reasons. Was he really the king son? He doesn't want to stole his friend place, he just wanted to be a fighter, the strongest of them all.
Jinmu, on the other hand, calmly go to his old and sick master ask her if the rumors was true. The old woman nodded, in that moment Jinmu doesn't know what to do.
The island needed a king, but neither Namjung or Chomi was ready for that.
He goes to his friends and the trio try to understand what to do, for saving their home.
Namjung and Chomi start fighting.
-I'm an illegitimate son, I'm not in the line for the throne-
-They don't want me, if I take the crown they'll kill me without any hesitation- The duo keep screaming at each other, until Jinmu took the sword from Chomi and thrust it into the ground between them.
-The people doesn't know for sure that Chomi is the king son, they just don't want Namjung as king right now. The three of us and your mother are the only one who know the truth-
The two soldier look at their friend without understand what he was saying.
-We can say I'm the next king, I'm the real illegitimate son-
That was the last decision.
Jinmu become the king of the the island and Chomi the general of the king army. Namjung take Jinmu place as doctor of the crown considered that they never stop studied together.
The people loved their new king and was very satisfied by his kingdom, the only thing they didn't know was that the king never make a decision alone, on his side he always has his loyal soldier and his smart doctor inspiring like a poet.
One thing is knows about that unknown island: the three kings kingdom was the most prosperous ones.

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