Invisible String

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-I will narete this one in first person, do you like it?-
-I don't care, I just want the story-

I'm not a person that have difficulty when habit change, but I have my littel tradition, abitudinary things I do for confort.
Like me and my sister dinner every first friday of the mounth just cause we have to cack up with each other now that we do not live togheter anymore.
Or the monday night with the boys, that is basicaly; me, my roommete and the two boys who live in the appartament in front of us.
I like saturday morning at work cause I know that the girl named Olivia will come and ask for her usual, four crousan three caffe and a green tee to take away. I like her cause she alway left a note say "thank you for remember me" whit a smile face drawing on it.

-I'm in your story? I'm honored-
-I need name and you are in front of me, get back to the story-

Last I like my place in the library, the one close to my roomie work place. I don't have a lot of theory in my course of study but once a week I like to do that part in that library. There is a lot of light and not a lot of people, but one day it was full, that day I found the perfect spot: forth table on the left, right in front of the window. There was sitting a reven haired girl and I ask her if the place was teken and she said no, I don't know with what magic but all the time I go there the place in front of her is always free that at a certain point, when I go to the library, i just sit there even if there is full of place where I can go insted.
So there I was, on a weansday afternoon try to study with the raven haired girl in front of me and the usual amount of people.
Most of the time, when I need a pause, I look at her. She is an interestin type of person. I start to do it the first time that her blond friend come with her cause her attitude was complity different with the other girl next to her. Usualy quite and organise when the blond girl was around she giggle and was less obsessed with everything around her beging perfect. I question myself if she is one of those diligent person on school and job but outside they are actualy pretty unpredictable. So I start to notice that she is mostly concentrate when her hair are in a ponitaly insted of the two low bun, I saw her cry of stress a lot of time and I silently always offer some tissues, and she like Betty Boop, she have it in her phone cover and she have a notebook with the cartoon charater on the front. I even drow her once, if out of boredom or curiosity I think I can't answer.
Today was one of her good day, raven hair free down on her shoulder, calm face while she was reading her book and take note on her tablet. My attention wasn't complity on her so I notice the libraian come closer to us probably for tell that is almost closing time so I take my backpacke from under the table.
Once out of the library I go at Max's workplace, a littel shop on the other side of the street. I go to the counter for said hey to my friend and waiting for his shift to finish so we can go home. Surprising I find him flirting with a girl that was there with some birthday party decoration, I get closer hope he will not notice me. Max is an atractive boy, go to the gym two days a week, lip pircing right side that I don't know why he like, or maybe is because I hate pircing in general, he have this big baby eyes contrarius to his big figure, and he always wear black, I'm not sure he have other colors in his closet.
The girl on the other hand was wearing a yellow sweatshirt and she have long dyied red haired, getting closer I recognise the green smole saped eyes. That was Olivia, the saturday morning girl. I didn't want to interupt their conversation but the girl notice me and, even without mine ugly brown uniform, she recognise me.
-My favorite barman, I love seeing you- She said exited.
-I agree with you four crouasan, three coffe and a green tee for Olivia- We both laght.
-Come on, I see you more then my hairdresser, you can call me Lyv- She said befour look back at my friend.
-Was nice to see you again, maybe we can go out sometime-
-Sure, you stile have my number, I hope-
-Who do you think I am?- They both laght and after she pay she said bay with a smile to each one off us. I look at Max with a smirk.
-She is my childwood frind, we go middle school toghater ok. How do you know her?- He ask tryng to make the conversation abour me insted of himself.
-Didn't you hear, she is an usual at the bar-
-Cool- He lowred his head waiting for other costumer while I place myself behind the conter with him. His boss always jokes about the fact that I should work when I'm bebhind the conter but he actualy never do anything, sometimes we even causaly talking while Max work no stop.
Once at home I but my backpack in the bad I notice an unusual trio of pin on the front, I don't have anything pined on my backpack.
Open it and yes there it was the book I used today and my computer but the rest was some history of literature essays and a Betty Boop notebook.
That not my backpack.

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