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Alan's POV

I had to admit, I had a huge crush on Austin. I'd been a bit obsessed with him ever since I first saw him a few years ago so I was over the moon when Mr Armstrong paired me with him. I was a bit upset that he got my name wrong though. He was so mysterious, something about him made me want to know more.

He didn't kiss me back but he didn't seem offended. He was really sweet for the rest of the evening. I might have been overthinking things, but I think he liked me back. As soon as I got home I text my best friend, Alex, to tell him the news.

I kissed Austin tonight. He didn't kiss me back but I think he was just surprised. The way he was acting after that suggested that he likes me too. I really hope so. -Alan

Awesome. I'm pretty sure jack was flirting with me today. He asked me out for a drink tomorrow night. I'm really nervous- Alex

Good for you. I hope it goes ok- Alan

Thanks, me too. -Alex

The next morning as Alex and I walked to school, I could tell he was on edge.
"Stop worrying. If jack didn't like you he wouldn't have invited you" I assured him.
"But this is it, two years of fancying him comes down to this. I can't fuck it up" he sighed.
"You're more likely to do something stupid if you're nervous"
"Ugh wish me look" Alex walked over to Jack before I could reply.

After two years of creeping on Austin, I knew he was pretty good friends with Jack, however he wasn't there. All his other friends were plus some girls I didn't recognise. I ignored his absence and began to walk to my first lesson. I had almost reached the door when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I leant back into the warm embrace.
"Hey" Austin whispered, his breath warm on my neck.
"Hey" I smiled
"You gonna come over again tonight?" Austin spun me round to face him.
"I'd love too" I winked. We were interrupted by the bell.
"I'll meet you at the gates" Austin flashed me a smile before heading off to his lesson.

He was all I could think about all day. I couldn't focus on anything else. I couldn't believe it was actually happening. It didn't feel real.

I raced out of my last lesson to meet Austin. He was leant against the barrier with one leg propped up on it. He looked hot, really hot. He greeted me with a hug and we set of down the street.

It didn't take long to walk to his house. We spread the sheets out on the floor and got to work. I wasn't really concentrating, just staring at Austin. I loved how his tongue stuck out when he smiled and the way his eyes sparkled. God he was gorgeous.

Austin got up from his position on his stomach and sat crossed legged in front of me.
"Look Alan. I know I haven't known you long but....." Austin scratched his hair and looked at the floor. "I think I have a bit of a crush on you"
My heart fluttered and I couldn't help but grin stupidly at him.
"I think you already know that it's mutual" I laughed.
"So..... Will you be my boyfriend?" He bit his lip nervously.
"Yes!" I jumped onto his lap and hugged him tightly.

It all seemed pretty sudden but I didn't care. The guy I had been crushing on for two years had just asked me out. Of course I said yes.
"Are you ok with people at school knowing?"
"I don't see why not" I shrugged.
"Great" Austin pulled me into a tighter hug and I nuzzled into his neck.

You'll never guess what happened tonight- Alan. I texted Alex as soon as I got home.

You got eaten by a centipede?- Alex

Austin asked me out! How did things go with jack?- Alan

Congratulations. Jack asked me out too- Alex

No way. This doesn't feel real- Alan

I know. It's like a dream. See you tomorrow- Alex

Not if I see you first- Alan

I threw myself down on the bed and grinned. The past two days seemed to good to be true. Imagine all the cute dates Austin and I would go on. And all the little gifts we would buy each other.

My thoughts were interrupted by my sister.
"Hey Als, guess what?" Becky giggled as she sat down on my bed.
"You're supposed to guess"
"I don't know. Vic looked at you?" I said sarcastically. My twin had been obsessed with Vic for as long as I'd liked Austin. He was all she ever talked about.
"Better than that, he asked me out" Becky bounced up and down on the bed.
"As if Vic would go out with a ginger bitch like you"
"You're ginger too"
"But I'm not a bitch, that's why I go out with Austin" I couldn't help but smile at the sound of his name.
"Austin?! You go out with Austin? Austin Carlile? Vic's friend?" She squealed. It was crap having a twin because it meant she knew the same people as me.
"Yeah" I tried to sound casual but I couldn't hide my excitement.
"Oh my god that's so cool. Our boyfriends are best friends"
"Yeah how awesome" I rolled my eyes at her.
"Ugh you're so miserable" Becky flicked her hair then walked out.

The smile crept back onto my face as I thought about Austin. I couldn't wait to see him again.

"What's gotten into you two?" My mum asked the next morning as Becky and I bounced downstairs.
"We've got boyfriends" Becky grinned as she poured herself some cereal.
I nodded with a smile. My mum had always accepted that I was gay. She just wanted me to be happy. It was at school that I got shit for it. I hoped that because my boyfriend was Austin Carlile, the bullies wouldn't bother me as much. I knew Austin would stick up for me if they did.
"What are their names?" Mum asked as she passed me some toast.
"Good for you" mum kissed our foreheads. "I'm off to work. Have a good day"
"Bye" Becky and I said in unison.

Alex was as excited as me as we walked to school.
"I seriously can't believe this is happening. Jack Barakat is my boyfriend" Alex giggled.
"It's crazy isn't it. Becky goes out with Vic as well now"
"No way. This is insane"

We reached the gates and Alex ran off into jacks arms. I looked around for Austin but I couldn't see him anywhere. I noticed Becky kissing Vic and groaned. Where the fuck was he?

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