Fresh Start Fever

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Austin's POV

My eyes fluttered open and scanned the room. It took me a moment to figure out what was going on. Alan's head was resting on my chest and the soft murmurs coming from his mouth informed me that he was sleeping. I had no idea what time it was or how long we'd been here and I couldn't reach my phone to check. I attempted to shuffle around so I was more comfortable but moving my body used more energy than I had. I wanted to shout for the nurse but I knew that would wake Alan and he looked so peaceful, I didn't want to disturb him.

Eventually I managed to muster up the energy to flick some stray hairs out of my eyes. However, on it's journey back to my side, my arm brushed past the sleeping boys nose, making him stir. His eyes opened but shut just as quick when the light hit them.
"How are you feeling?" Alan yawned.
"I have no energy whatsoever but I'm with you so I'm great" I smiled. We were interrupted by the ringing of my phone.
"Could you pass me that?" I asked. Alan hopped of the bed, stretching as he did, and handed me my phone. Oli's name illuminated the screen.
"Hello?" I croaked.
"Hey Aus. The dares over. Vic and Becky broke up so you can end it with that Alan guy now"
"Well I'm staying with Alan. I really like him now."
"Oh ok. Are you ok? You sound ill"
"I'm in hospital. Didn't anyone tell you?"
"No. What happened?" Oli didn't sound very concerned but what did I expect?
"I tried to kill myself but thanks to Alan I'm ok" I said bluntly.
"Oh shit dude. I hope you're ok. Talk to you later" The line went dead so I threw my phone onto the bed.
"He's such a dickhead" I sighed.
"Don't worry about him. You don't have to concern yourself with people like that anymore" Alan said, returned to his place on the bed. "What's happened with the dare then?"
"Vic and Becky broke up so it's over now. I don't know what will happen to Vic"
"That's not for you to worry about"
I knew what Alan meant by that but of all my 'friends', Vic was the nicest. He could be a dick at times but he also had a sweet and caring side. I didn't want him to be humiliated. I picked my phone up off the bed and was about to click on Vic's number when I noticed a message from him.

Hey Austin. I heard about what happened. I'm so sorry. Can I come visit you? - Vic

Yeah sure. Come any time - Austin

About 45 minuets later, there was a knock at the door. Alan jumped off the bed and opened it.
"Hey" I smiled at a sheepish looking Vic. "Look. None of this is your fault. You're pretty much the only person who wasn't an ass to me so don't blame yourself"
"Really? But if this is because of the dare then I could have done something to stop it" Vic said as he took a seat on one of the blue plastic chairs.
"There were lots of reasons, not just that. Speaking of the dare, what's happening with you?" I asked as I played with Alan's hair.
"After what happened with you I think they're gonna drop it. They'd never admit it but they know they've done wrong" Vic was interrupted by another knock at the door. This time it was Kellin, Jack and Josh.
"Come in" I called. They slumped through the door with there heads down, avoiding looking at me, and sat down next to Vic.
"What do you want?" Alan asked harshly.
"We've come to apologise. We've been really shitty friends to you in the past and we let things get too far. We want to change, to be good friends. Real friends" Josh mumbled, his eyes finally meeting mine.
"What about Oli?" I asked.
"We told him we were coming to apologise and invited him along but he didn't want to" Kellin said quietly.
"Oh" I sighed. "I'll give you guys one last chance. One chance to prove you can be good friends. But if you fuck it up then that's it. No more chances"
"Thank you so much. Were so sorry for everything. Vic, don't worry about the dare. Were just forgetting about it. Oli might not but we'll stick up for you" Jack smiled slightly.
"Are you guys still with your girlfriends? And boyfriend" Alan asked in a bitter tone. The guys gazes fell to the floor again.
"I'm still with Alex. He's still a bit pissed but I'm going to make it work" Jack said hopefully.
"Abbie's willing to forgive me but I feel so bad. I don't deserve her" Josh said, lazily running his hand through his hair.
"If she wants to give it another go, I think you owe it to her" Alan shrugged.
"Yeah I suppose. What about you kells?" Josh asked, taking the attention of himself.
"I liked Katelynne before the dare. I just used it as an excuse to ask her out. She found out but I told her how I really felt and were ok now" Kellin smiled.
"Good for you" I replied. An awkward silence fell upon us making everyone shuffled uncomfortably.
"Look guys. I know you feel guilty but can we please just forget about it and move on? I don't want to keep holding onto the past" I sighed, looking around the room for an answer.
"Yeah. It's for the best. I'm really sorry dude" jack said as he wrapped his arms round me gently. The others joined in the hug, muttering apologies.
"Fresh start, yeah?" Vic asked as he pulled away.
"Yeah. I'm feeling it" I grinned back.
"Guess you could say you've got a bit of a fresh start fever" Josh laughed comically, which turned into a choke making everyone else laugh. Thank god that was over.

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