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Time skip to when you got there brought to you by 'SHOTOOO'

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Time skip to when you got there brought to you by 'SHOTOOO'

„Y/nnnn!!" you heard the siblings call your name. 'finnaly'you said to yourself. Suddenly you were pulled into a hug by Senju. Of course you hugged back, you saw a blushing Takeomi behind her and you smirked. You quickly shushed away Senju and went to Takeomi.

„Hello Takeomi, may I know why you're blushing??" you said as your smirk only grew. Truth is you didn't need to ask him what happened you already knew. Judging by the light hickeys on the right side of his neck he fucked Wakasa (Shinichiro leaves them on the left side).

„I think you know Y/n" He said looking away. You just chuckled and looked at Sanzu who seemed rather impatient. You hugged him and said „you didn't think I forgot about you right??"He looked down at you and smiled a little „of course you didn't you like me too much for that" he whispered and hugged you back.

„Heeeeeey stoooop" yelled Senju tearing you and Sanzu apart. You smirked and said „are you jealous Senju??" Sanzu also smirked and looked at her knowingly. Senju blushed and yelled „of course not!!" You and Sanzu looked at each other and shrugged. You turned around, grabbed Takeomi by his hand and started running towards a shop with interesting stuff.

Senju and Sanzu automatically ran after you. You and Takeomi were already there when they caught up. You let go of Takeomi and started dragging Senju instead. You stopped at a stall with accessories and mainly ✨RINGS✨ you loved rings.

Senju went to look at the other accessories which you took as a betrayal, but you didn't care that much at the moment. You took a closer look at the rings. None of them fit you or were pretty enought, but there was one in the men section that looked better than the others.

 None of them fit you or were pretty enought, but there was one in the men section that looked better than the others

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(it looks like this)

But there was one tiny problem. It cost 6,146¥ (45,20 dollars) which is a lot for Takeomis wallet. You know how to make him buy it for you thought.

You walked around the shop for a while until you finally found Takeomi with Sanzu begging him to buy him something. Laughing a little you walked up to them with a mischievous smile. „Takeomi I found something I would like!" you yelled and he looked kinda done with your bullshit but he listened anyway. You handed him the ring and he looked kinda relieved. „Oh.. This actually looks nice, how much is it??" he asked. „6146¥" you answered with a smile.

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