Chapter Eight- Friday (Part Two)

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When Yukito and I walked into the big house, we gaped in sheer amazement. It was so lively- kids were chattering and dancing everywhere. Bits of people's conversations drifted into my ears.

"This is my favorite song!"

"Hey, should I ask her if she wants to dance with me?"

"Wait, I thought this house belonged to that one little kid with the glasses and blue hair?"

Yukito snapped me out of my trance. "Wow, it's so different from the last time we were here! Do you want to dance, or maybe go to the snack bar...?"

"Uh..." Dance?! No way! "L-let's go to the snack bar..." I replied quickly. The two of us walked over to the snack bar and after I set down the bag with the chocolates inside, I grabbed two cups of fruit punch.

"Here," I said, handing g Yukito one of the cups.

He smiled, "Thank you!" Zing! I could practically hear an arrow shoot into my heart. It felt like I could melt on the spot. After we took a few sips of our drinks, my friend turned to me, a light blush on his face.

"D-do you want to dance with me?"

My brain malfunctioned. "W-wha... Huh?!"

"It's okay if you don't want to-" Yukito began to say.

"Of course! I would love to dance with you!" I shouted, grabbing his hands. I felt my face heating up as I gazed into his soft, brown eyes. Holy crap. He's so freaking perfect. Yukito looked down at our adjoined hands and smiled.

"Alright," he giggled. I let go of his hands and started to walk towards the dance floor, but Yukito stopped me.

"Hey," he said, "earlier, didn't you say that there was something that you wanted to tell me?"

My face fell. I have to tell him. If not now, then I might never have the courage to confess. "Right. C'mon." I grabbed my bag and began walking through the big house, Yukito trailing behind me. After walking for a little while, I finally found the room I was looking for.

"Oh," Yukito murmured. "This is the room with the balcony that I fell from... Why did you choose this room?" I didn't answer as I set the bag down, and I locked the door.

Yukito spun around. "T-Touya? Why did you-"

"I've lied to you for far too long," I interrupted. I walked up to my friend, but he backed away a little bit.

"What are you talking about? You're starting to scare me a little bit..."

I sighed, "Do you remember a while back when I was going to tell you about Kaho Mizuki, but then Sakura interrupted us?" Yukito nodded slowly. "Well... I dated her when I was in junior high."

"W-what?" Yukito's eyes widened.

"But then, one day she came to me and told me that she was moving away. She told me that when she came back, I would be in love with someone else. I didn't believe her at the time- I was heartbroken. But then..." A sigh escaped my mouth.

"But then what?"

"One day... our teacher announced that our class would have a new student. When they walked into the classroom, I... I could tell that they would change my life forever."

Yukito stared at me with glassy eyes. "Who was it...?"

"Yuki," I sighed, approaching him and putting my hands on his shoulders. "It's you. I've loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you." Yukito gasped and covered his mouth.

"Touya..." he whispered as a tear fell from his eye. Suddenly, Yukito's legs collapsed from underneath him, and his eyes fluttered shut.

"Yuki!" I yelled, catching him just before he hit the ground. "Yuki, what's wrong?!"

Yukito's eyes slowly opened. "What... what's that...?" He pointed at a figure behind me. When I turned around, I saw a glowing figure materialize. What the-?!

"Yue?!" I exclaimed. "But Yuki- how did... what?!"

"That's..." Yukito gasped between heavy breaths. "That's Yue? How... is he here?"

Yue landed on the ground and walked towards us. "Hello, Yukito. It's nice to meet you in-person." He looked at my baffled face and heaved an exasperated sigh. "I suppose I'd better explain. Clow Reed, the brilliant man who created us, decided that I would have to take on a different form to stay near Sakura while she collected the Clow Cards. Clow predicted that Yukito and Sakura would fall in love."

I scrunched up my face. "Ew, what?"

"However," Yue ignored me, "Clow knew that his prediction might be wrong. He decided that if Yukito fell in love with someone else and that person admitted their feelings for him, then Yukito and I would separate and become two completely different beings."

"But... why?" Yukito mumbled.

Yue's face softened as he gazed at my best friend. "I know this is a lot to take in, but Clow Reed secretly had a big heart. He didn't want to cause Yukito and his dearest person any pain." I looked down at Yukito, and he stared right back at me with his big, beautiful eyes. This is... wonderful.

"I'm so happy," whispered Yukito as he smiled up at me.

Yue looked at the two of us with a kind expression on his face. "It's about time for me to go."

"Go?" I asked. "Go where?"

"Back in the book," he replied.

With my help, Yukito sat up and turned to Yue. "It was... very nice to meet you. I hope I will be able to see you again." Yue smiled at him and chuckled softly.

"Yeah. See ya," I said. Yue nodded politely at me, and just as quickly as he appeared, he vanished. Awkward silence lingered between Yukito and I.

"S-so..." I muttered. "You, uh... feel the same way about me?"

My friend blushed. "Yeah..." He stared into my eyes, but then quickly looked away in embarrassment. "I-I think I can stand up now." After I helped him get back on his feet, I grabbed the bag with the chocolates inside that I had gotten for him.
"I got these chocolates for you..." I mumbled, holding up the bag.
Yukito grinned. "Really? Aw, thank you!" We both fell silent for a few more minutes. I put my hand on his cheek and sighed. I can't believe this is happening.
"Yuki," I blushed. "I..."

"To-ya," Yukito whispered back. We gazed into each other's eyes.

"C-can I...?" I asked softly.

I didn't need to finish my sentence- Yukito seemed to understand. "Yes. Of course..."

I closed my eyes, and I pressed my lips softly against his.

**Stay tuned for the epilogue!!!**

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