Chapter Three- Sunday

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

My alarm clock woke me up. I must've accidentally set it... wait! I remembered that Sakura was going to teach me how to dance! I got dressed, did my morning business in the bathroom, and hurried downstairs.

"Hello, Touya," my little sister smiled. "Are you ready to learn to dance?" She clapped her hands together excitedly as a big grin was plastered across her face.

"Sure," I said. After I ate breakfast, Sakura and I headed into the living room.

"Alright," she said. "Are you ready?"

Sakura and I practiced dancing for the whole first half of the day, and by then, I had mostly gotten the hang of dancing solo. Before I knew it, our dad told us it was time for lunch.

"You've gotten good!" praised Sakura. "After lunch, I can teach you how to slow dance." She winked at me as she headed into the kitchen. Oh, crap. She knows.

When we finished eating lunch, Sakura and I went back to the living room.

"Well, the person you'll be dancing with is a lot taller than me, but we can make do!" she said.

"Huh?" I murmured. How do YOU know who I'm going to dance with...?

"Let's start!" chuckled Sakura. "You put one hand on my shoulder, and the other on my waist." I squatted awkwardly to reach her height, and I did as she told me to.

Sakura beamed. "Perfect!"

Slow dancing was a lot more difficult, but I eventually got the hang of it.

"Thank you, monster," I smirked as we finished.

"You're welcome," Sakura huffed. "I just didn't want you to make a fool of yourself in front of Y- your classmates." I rolled my eyes and ruffled her hair, and I walked to the front door.

"I'm going to the mechanic's shop to pick up mine and Yuki's bikes," I said. "Don't inhale the entire house, monster."

"Whatever!" Sakura fumed, annoyance in her voice. I smirked and walked out the door.

When I got to the store, I approached the mechanic.

"Hello," I said to her.

"Ah, a customer!" she exclaimed. "Kinomoto, isn't that your name? Are you here to pick up your and your boyfriend's bikes?" 'Boyfriend'? Again?! I should just ignore it.

"Yep!" I squeaked, trying to ignore the 'boyfriend' comment. I don't mind it... but I don't want people to get the wrong idea!

The mechanic sighed. "Young love, isn't it beautiful? If you keep on dating, then one day you'll become married, and then you'll adopt children, and then..." Why does she have to keep going on?!

"Ha-ha, yeah!" I cringed, my face slowly turning red. "Well, thanks so much! Bye!" I rushed out of the shop, my heart pounding. Why does it make me feel like this when people say that sort of stuff?!

"Oh, Touya!" said a voice that was all too familiar. No, no, no! Not Yukito! Not now!

"You already picked up our bikes?" he asked. "Thank you! You're so kind!"

"I- I... ha-ha!" I stuttered. My heartbeat sped up to a burning rate that couldn't possibly be healthy for me! Why... why do I have to feel like this?! I waved goodbye to Yukito, and I quickly walked away. When I got a good distance away from him, I sat on the curb and buried my face in my hands.

"Why?!" I sobbed. "Why do I have these stupid emotions?! What's wrong with me?!" I cried until it felt like my eyes were going to fall out, and I decided that having a meltdown wasn't going to help me. Then, I headed home.

After I parked my bike at its usual spot, I opened the front door.

"Hey, Touya," Sakura frowned at me, "it took you a while to get home; Dad just finished making dinner." Was I really gone that long?!

"Oh... sorry," I mumbled, and I rubbed my eyes.

Sakura gasped. "Your eyes are red! Have you been crying...?"

I barked out a forced laugh. "Of course not! It's just... allergies!" I walked to the kitchen to avoid the awkwardness, and I greeted my dad.

"Hello, Dad," I said. "What's for dinner?"

"Onigiri!" he smiled. I licked my lips. I love onigiri!

The three of us sat down at the table and began to eat. Delicious!

"So, Touya," Dad said. "Did you learn how to dance properly?" I nodded my head, my mouth full of food.

Sakura chimed in. "I also taught him to slow dance for you-know-who, of course." She cracked a smirk, and my dad chuckled quietly. I raised my eyebrows, but I kept eating.

The rest of the meal was mostly silent, and when I finished, I told Dad and Sakura that I was going to take a shower.

After I got done cleaning myself, I went back downstairs. Sakura was in the living room, and she was talking on the phone.

"I'm telling you, Syaoran!" she said. 'Syaoran'? The brat?! "He definitely likes..." Pause. "No, no, this is different. He doesn't have any magical powers... Yeah, but I've seen the way he looks at him." The way that who looks at who...? What are they talking about?

"Hey, Sakura," I said. "What are you and the brat talking about?"

"Huh?!" Sakura squeaked. She turned to the phone. "I'll call you later. Bye!"

I placed a hand on my hip. "What's going on, monster? Why have you been acting weird?"

"I'm not a monster. And, um... I can't really tell you why I've been acting weird. Sorry," said Sakura. I heaved a sigh.

"I don't understand girls!" I huffed. "You'd better get to bed. It's late!" Sakura rolled her eyes, but she did what I said, and she trudged up to her room. I guess I'd better do the same, I thought to myself, and I went upstairs to my room. I had, yet again, a dreamless sleep.

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