4.Am I dead?

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Tacos POV:

Bow had just made me put all of the idiots to "sleep" which means I made them go unconscious. I got told to torture them, my special!! But how should I torture them.... Well lightbulb says she likes to keep her team safe so I could hurt others and make her watch, that would hurt her right? Maybe make her hurt herself and she'll end up dying herself, "taco you're talking to yourself again!!" I hear someone yell "WHO IS THAT!" I scream "chill taco it's just me" bow laughs "oh, I thought it was someone else" I giggle. Me and Bow start laughing, then once we finish our laughing we start planning the torture methods. "Ok- ok we gotta start the torture" I say between giggles "yeah yeah" Bow giggles. We start planning and we ponder ideas for hours on end, then come to the conclusion that we will do anything. We came up with too many methods. Let's just see how long it will take them to wake up....

Paintbrush's POV:

What happened.... all I remember is hearing foot steps behind me before feeling something sharp go in my neck and I blacked out, am I even awake or alive.... Am I dead?? Please say I am, I don't want to know how testy and lighty with deal with it....please.....don't......be.....dead
Then I wake up "I'm alive!!" I yell happily I start crying. I look over to see lighty unconscious on the floor and I run over to her, I start holding her while crying "lightbulb please wake up" I sob hoping she's alive "l..Lighty??" I say between sobs "LIGHTY IM NOT JOKING PLEASE WAKE UP" I yell sobbing then I see her eyes start to open, I hug her so tight and I start shaking and crying "lighty please never scare me like that again" I sob "p...Painty please hug me a little lighter" lightbulb giggles "oh yeah sorry" I giggle starting to cry even more, "hey it's ok, I would've been worried too" lightbulb says hugging me back I start smiling and WAIT AM I BLUSHING!!! god damit.... I thought I had feelings for- WAIT DO I LIKE ALL OF THEM!! "WAIT TESTY!!" I scream "testy..." lighty say's running over to her, I see lightbulb go over and put Testy in her lap "come here, look at her arm...." Lighty says tearing up. I walk over then stop remembering what I saw her doing in her lab, I start crying and and I start walking over again. I drop down next to lighty and hug both lighty and testy with her still unconscious

Test Tubes POV:

Is something touching me, whatever's touching me feels soft.....am I dead? At this point I hope I am, but I wanna stay here with my friends...my friends would be devastated if I died. But would they? I hope I'm dead!! But I feel my eyes open....WAIT PAINTY AND LIGHTY ARE HUGGING ME!!!ohh that was the soft thing I felt.... I'll hug back to show that I'm at least alive "OH!! Testy your arms are cold.." I hear lighty yell as I hug back. "Oh yeah, sorry" I say feeling super embarrassed "nah it's fine, I just wasn't expecting it" lighty says laughing "can you guys stop ruining the moment" I hear painty say "but testy woke uppp" lighty say's probably not wanting to hug us anymore "fine we can stop hugging, but I hope you two had fun scaring the shit out of me" painty says loosening the hug "what do you mean "scaring the shit out of you"??" I say confuse. As we were getting out of the hug painty says "well I woke up first and saw everyone else unconscious, I went to wake up lighty then you.. lighty took a full thirty minute to shake awake, and you took about 5 minutes" I hear lighty giggling at the fact she took 30 minutes to wake up. But then I spring up remembering bot is also here. I run over to them and grab her, I remember she's a very light sleeper so I just had to shake her for a minute or two for her to wake up. And she woke up after about 30 seconds!! "Bot thank goodness, you're alive!!" I scream happily "mom, what do you mean.." bot asks rubbing her eyes.wait did she say mom!!! "Well, you scared me....you weren't waking up, so I started shaking you" I say quietly

(Ghost) Bows POV:

"Ugh there having a wholesome moment.." I say angrily "BOW CAN YOU TAKE ME BACK TO OJ HOTLE REAL QUICK!!!!" Taco screams "YEAH ONE SEC" I scream back. I go over to Taco to see her waiting with a cigarette in her mouth "alright come on" I say grabbing Taco and flying her over to hotel Oj.


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"We're....here..." I say breathing heavily "oh that didn't take long" Taco says surprise  "yeah what did you need here" I say finally catching my breath "well, first I gotta go to test tubes lab" Taco says running over to a vending machine. I go over to see Taco get sucked into a weird tube. I sit and wait for a whole 15 minutes then she comes back with a weird book "I got test tubes experiment book" Taco says laughing

A/N I'm sorry I was gone so lang and sorry for the short (ish) chapter 🙃 but I hope you liked this chapter and hope next time it won't take a whole 3 weeks (I don't actually know I'm guessing) but thanks for being patient :D

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