6. Blood stains

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Test tubes POV:

We're all just sitting around, fans still unconscious, bot, paintbrush and lightbulb are trying to comfort me but nothing's working. I'm just scared for what's gonna happen. I mean, why are we here. What made Taco think we're the people who needs to be here. Im just gonna check fans pulse one more time. He's still breathing, he just seems to be unconscious. But, why are we the problem. The people who need to be here. Like what's the point.

Fans POV:
Ugh... my head hurts. Where am I. "T..testy?" Why is test tube here.. why is lightbulb, paintbrush and bot here. Why are we all here...? Who even brought me here. All I remember is feeling a shock go through my body and then everything going black. "FAN!!" A voice can be heard. But it doesn't feel real.. nothing seems real anymore. This feel like a dream. I feel someone pick me up and pull me close. "Where even am I?" I ask confused "well you're kinda in a lab that I made for taco.." test tube says. Wow, ok then. My head is throbbing, what even happened... I go up and touch my head(?) to feel, blood? I think it's blood... I pull my hand of my head to see my hand covers in blood... then my vision goes dark, I pass out...

Lightbulbs POV:

I watch as fan passes out, and bot rushes over to him. But I never notice the blood all over his head. And like all over his hands.. That doesn't really look good, I wonder how it got there? Guessing on the way Taco has been treated us its probably because of her. I wonder why we're even here, I mean did we do something wrong?hmmm "hello, earth the lightbulb" Oh Paintys trying to talk to me
"Oh, sorry I was lost in brain thingy!" I say
"I could tell, I kinda need help tho.." they say
"With what??"
I watch painty point over to test tube and fan.
Fan unconscious. And bot looking horrified.
"Oh that's not good. Theres blood" I say worriedly
"A lot of blood actually" they say
"No need to correct me now painty, we should also get Bot away from there for now." I say laughing nervously
We walk over to them and I pick up Bot and take them away from their unconscious parent uh yeah.

Paintbrush's POV😻:
I watch Lightbulb take Bot away and start talking to them to get them distracted for their unconscious parents. I walk over to Test Tube and Fan.
"Test Tube."
" yeah?"
"Fans gonna be okay. I just know it!"
"But what if he dies from blood loss. Or even worse Taco kills him. Or he's already dead."
"Test Tube. Calm down, we would know if he was dead, I'm sure he's not."
"He is still breathing."
"Okay that's good!"
Lightbulb walks over, with Bot in her hands
"Errr, I think Flat-Face is gonna be a-okay!"
"Okay." I hear bot, all tho they sounded a bit muffled do to the fact they have their face pressing up against lightbulb

IM FINALLY BACK AT MAKING THIS, YIPEEEE  also sorry about how short this chapter is, I haven't really known what to to while we wait for the first death sooo, stay tuned for the next chapter :3
564 words

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