Road Trip

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For willasstan
Enid's pov:

Yesterday Bianca asked me if I and Wednesday would like to go on a vacation with her, Ajax, Yoko, and Divina. I asked Wednesday and surprisingly she agreed. I started packing my things and realized Wednesday wasn't in the room. I decided to help pack her things, I grabbed her bag and started packing clothes and her toothbrush. I found another bag under her bed and it was full, maybe she already packed? I opened it and as I expected it was full, but there was things I've never seen her with. There was adult sized onesies, pacifiers, diapers and bottles. I decided to grab that along with my bag and her other bag and fill her bottles incase she regressed while in the car. I went and filled them up and then I went to go look for her. I know what age regression is since there was a class about it last year, I walked out and found Bianca waiting for me with Wednesday beside her. "Come on Enid hurry up we got to go the others are waiting in the car!" Bianca said as she started walking out. Wednesdays eyes widened as she noticed I was holding her 'little' bag. "Come on Wens we gotta go, don't worry I packed your things." I said ignoring that she might be worried I found out. She walked behind me, nervously and all pink. Im not going to mention it to her since she hasn't yet either. After we get outside I see Bianca in the drivers seat, Ajax in the passenger seat and Divina and Yoko in the back. Yoko was on the left in the back while Divina was in the middle, leaving one seat. I dismissed it and got in, Wednesday looked at me with confusion written on her face. I sat our bags down where our feet would be and pulled her in my lap. I closed the door and Bianca started driving. Wednesday was silent but got more comfortable on me after a few moments, glancing at me every now and then. After a half an hour Wednesday was fast asleep, but whined as if she was having a bad dream. Everyone exept for Enid and Bianca was asleep, so after a moment or two of the small girl whimpering in her sleep Bianca groaned. Enid softly shook the girl's shoulder and when that didn't work she called her name quietly. "Wednesday, sweetheart your just having a bad dream its okay." Enid said in a gentle comforting voice.
Wednesday woke up and began crying, almost waking up everyone else in the process. "Heyy, Wens honey its okay, I've got you" Enid said as she rocked her roommate. Wednesday started whining. "Mah' we dere yet!?" Wednesday asked getting very impatient, and little. Once Wednesday heard the words that came out of her mouth she immediately corrected herself, "I- I mean are we t-there yet??" Wednesday asked now nervously. "Uhm, almost." Wednesdays stomach began to growl. "Are you hungry?" Enid asked, Wednesday nodded. "Good thing I packed snacks, I knew you'd get hungry." Enid said in a tone that you would typically use to speak to a child with. Enid grabbed goldfish from her bag and handed them to the goth, getting a bright smile from her. "Fankchu" Wednesday replied getting to deep into her little state. Bianca was catching on aswell. After Wednesdays little belly was full from food she got thirsty, but was too shy to ask Enid if she brought a drink she could have. Luckily, Enid could sense that  Wednesday was thirsty so she asked. "Are you thirsty?" Getting a nod in response, she pulled out one of the bottles she had already prepared for the small girl and brought it to her mouth. Wednesday was too small to reject so she started to drink. A half an hour goes by and there's a problem. Little Wednesday had an accident, and being discreet about it wasn't easy. Enid asked Bianca to pull over to a gas station, she carried Wednesday in along with a diaper from her bag. Wednesday was crying and sobbing. "Its okay little one its not your fault, your just a kid." Enid said comforting her, carrying her into the bathroom. Enid took off the girls pants and changing her into a diaper. Enid put her dirty pants in a plastic bag and carried the regressed girl back to the car. Bianca furrowed her brows in confusion but Enid told her not to worry about it. They start driving again, but Bianca starts getting tired so she asks if Enid will. "Nuh mama 'Nid no dwive!" Wednesday protested as she pouted. Ajax woke up from the loudness and ended up driving the rest of the way. Wednesday fell back asleep cuddling into Enid. Enid took a short nap too. A hour later and she gets woken up by Ajax yelling "We're here!" Waking up Wednesday as well. Wednesday got super excited. "Yay! Can we get ow now mama!" Wednesday asked as she started stimming from being to excited, her hand flapping. "Yes sweetheart, but first let mama calm you down." Enid hugged her and reached into the bag. She pulled out a pacifier and placed it into Wednesdays mouth. "There you are love, feeling better?" Wednesday nodded and smiled as she snuggled into the blonde girl. Enid got out with Wednesday in her arms, carrying the bags on her back. Everyone else got out and didn't question anything about the regressed girl. Once they got out they started walking into Bianca's cabin, it was a two room cabin. It had a bathroom and one big room with a small kitchen area, a tv and couch, and of course beds. There was three beds meaning they had to shared, Bianca with Yoko, Ajax with Divina and Wednesday with Enid. They all started unpacking, Enid unpacking both her and Wednesdays things. Meanwhile Wednesday wanted to play, but everyone was too busy unpacking to play so she had to wait. "Pweaaaase pway width meeeee!" Wednesday said loudly as she crossed her arms. "Sorry Wens Im still unpacking." Bianca said. "Sorry kiddo, me to." Divina said. "same" Said Ajax. Wednesday pouted, she couldn't wait this long. "Why can't she go outside by herself and play?" Ajax asked Enid. "Because she needs to be supervised, and not just because shes little, you know she's a little mischief maker" They all laughed except for Wednesday. "I not nauty I swaer!" Enid picked her up and spinned her around. "Oh sweetheart, what am I gonna do with you?" Enid said booping her nose. After they were finished they all went outside and played with little Wednesday. "Mama! Wook! I ish doin hanstan!" Wednesday said while standing on her legs and hands at the same time. "Awwh, good job princess! I am so proud of you!" Wednesday giggled. "I wove you so muches mama" Enid smiled and hugged the small girl, "I love you too cara mia"
The end.

(Im sorry It was so short I ran out of ideas) Im still working on a couple more chapters, if anyone has any suggestions or requests lmk!

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