Chapter 3 (Silentkit)

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 "Silentpaw! Tornadopaw! Chimepaw! Mudpaw! Tornpaw!" Silentpaw's pelt was burning with embarrassment, but also pride. She puffed out her chest, and saw the other new apprentices doing the same. I'm so glad Heatherstar let Chimepaw be an apprentice at the same time we are, even though she's a moon younger than us! Silentpaw knew that the quirky golden she-cat wouldn't appreciate training by herself. I haven't talked to her that much, but I think that Palebird will be a good mentor, she added, hopefully.

Silentpaw slipped into the crimson berry bush, crouched below the branches and waited for the gray creature. The mouse scurried out of a hole, near a pink rose and started to munch on the petals, while Silentpaw crept over to the edge of the bush, I must step quietly, and not speak, she thought calmly.

She lowered her tail and ears, and narrowed her eyes, trying to concentrate. Suddenly paws started thumping on the leaves behind Silentpaw, but fortunately Silentpaw quickly pounced on the gray mouse and scowled at the black and white she-cat. "Palebird." Silentpaw mewed through gritted teeth, annoyed.

Palebird huffed in exhaustion, "Wheh... sorry, Silentpaw. I didn't even hear you! You were so quiet! Sorry I intruded. I was just checking with Aspenfall and Redclaw, to see if they were doing well. Great catch, by the way." Silentpaw grunted, You didn't really help, though. Even though she was frustrated, she mewed, "Thanks."

Palebird ears twitched, and Silentpaw could hear it, too. The others! Tornadopaw sprinted to her side, Chimepaw not far behind. "A mouse? Already? We've just been apprenticed!", Aspenfall meowed, and Silentpaw could hear the admiration in the gray-and-white tom's voice. Tornadopaw puffed out his chest, "I can catch prey, too! I would be able to if we weren't touring WindClan territory!"

Redclaw, Tornadopaw's mentor, sighed, saying, "We can't always do the fun stuff. Mudpaw and Tornpaw are touring WindClan territory, too!" Chimepaw's eyes glittered, "Come on, guys! Let's go!" She's excited about everything! "Which border are we marking?" Silentpaw calmly asked her mentor, Palebird. Palebird looked up in thought, then said, "RiverClan."

The mentors were leading the patrol, and talking quietly, "I'm worried about Brokentail. He's getting too cocky for his own good.", Redclaw said, clearly aggrivated. Brokentail! I hate him! He keeps threatening WindClan! Silentpaw knew to keep these thoughts to herslef, though. Tornadopaw ears suddenly twitched to a field, where a rabbit was contently munching on a piece of grass.

Squeak! The rabbit could only make a pitiful noise before Tornadopaw bit it's neck. Chimepaw mewed, excitedly, "Wow! You two are great hunters!" Tornadopaw tried to talk, then realized the rabbit was still in his mouth. That'll show him not to brag! Silentpaw thought smugly, I was the one that chased the rabbit towards him in the first place!

"All right, guys, we're at the RiverClan border now. Who wants to mark the first border?", Aspenfall called out to the apprentices. Tornadopaw and Chimepaw both yelled, "Me!" Redclaw laughed, clearly amused by the apprentice's enthusiasm. "How about Silentpaw does it?" Aspenfall decided. The others looked defeated, but said nothing.

Silentpaw trotted up to a bush along the border, thankful to Aspenfall for letting her do so. As she was putting her scent on the bush, she heard a high pitched voice coming from the other side of it. "I see. Catmint is for green-cough, yes?" Silentpaw had never heard the voice and was confused.

"Hold on, guys. I hear somebody. I'm going to go check it out.", Silentpaw said to the other WindClan cats. Their protests died out as the brown tabby she-cat walked over to where she had heard the voice. Her ears twitched and swiveled as she tried to pick up any other noises. A crunch of the leaves. It's coming from the riverbank!

She ran over to where a small black she-cat was looking down at a plant, while Brambleberry, the RiverClan medicine cat Silentpaw had heard about, was looking on eagerly. As the black she-cat sniffed the green sprout Brambleberry mewed, "You can come out now, WindClan cat. Just because I'm old doesn't mean I can't smell." Silentpaw's pelt burned with shame, I forgot I'm on RiverClan land! She walked out of the small bush she was hiding in, surprised to see welcoming faces.

The black she-cat looked at her and said coolly, "Hello. I am Rainbowpaw, the new medicine cat apprentice of RiverClan." Silentpaw looked at her and nodded, but Rainbowpaw's eye's glittered in sadness as she glanced at the floor, breaking their eye-contact. "Well, hi Rainbowpaw. I'm Silentpaw of WindClan. Pleased to meet you." We're both shy and awkward, I suppose. But how is Rainbowpaw so calm and composed?

Silentpaw walked back over to the WindClan patrol and thought about how pleasant the RiverClan medicine cats were. Some WindClan cats aren't as kind as them! As the patrol walked back to the WindClan camp, Silentpaw told the other apprentices about how RiverClan was so nice. The others joked about how she's a wet-paw, but Silentpaw didn't car, only wondering what Rainbowpaw was thinking right now. 

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