My champion- kai havert

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My leg bounced up and down as I watched the campions league final in Anticipation.

It was the 41th minute and neither Chelsea or main city have scored.

All I wanted was Chelsea to win. Kai has been working so hard and he deserves this more then anyone.

The crowd got louder as the ball was kicked down the field. Kai got it as he ran right past the goalie. I held my breath as he shot the ball right into the back of the net.

The crowd erupted and I jumped right out of seat. I hugged Reese's girlfriend Kate.

Kai did the little side thing every footballer does. He also made a cute little heart with his hands. He is adorable.

The crowd quieted down still nervous since we had more then half the game left.

As the game went on there were many missed shoots. Every time someone on man city got close to scoring I swear my heart would stop beating.

It hit the 90 minute mark and the final whistle blew.

I jumped and hugged every person around me. I didn't care if I knew then or not. I was just so estatic.

I looked on the field and saw Kai smiling harder then ever. It made me so happy. He looked up and we made eye contact. I smiled and blew him a kiss. He pretended to catch it and put it in his pocket.

The team was yelling and dancing around. The fans were singing and yelling.

They allowed all the WAGS and family onto the field. To congratulate and take pictures with the team.

Before we got to go over to the players they did a little ceremony to give them there medals.

They let us go see everyone. And right when I stepped on the field I saw Kai running right up to me. I ran towards him to and jumped right in his arms.

"I'm so proud of you" I whispered into his ear.

After I said that he just squeezed me tighter and placed little kisses down my neck.

"Ok you should go back to your team now." I sad.He grabbed my hand and walked me over. I saw mason and Christian and gave them hugs.

"Congratulations guys. You all played so well" I told them.

"You know Kai carried our team tonight. Is he gonna get a little reward tonight" Mason said as he winked at Kai.

Kai blushed and slapped mason playfully. "Mason shut up." Kai said cutely embarrassed.

I just stood there and laughed.

Kai soon left to go celebrate more in the locker room. I stood outside with my Christians girlfriend Lacey.

We talked until the team came out.

"Hey guys! Are you going out to celebrate tonight?" Lacey asked.

"No we're gonna go out tomorrow when we're not as tired." Kai breathed out.

He took my hand and we walked to the car. As we drove home and he laid his hand on my thigh.

"Kai you seriously don't understand how proud of you I am."

"honestly love it means so much. I wouldn't have been able to do it without you. The way you go to every single game, how you always wait and walk out with me to cheer me up after a loss or celebrate after a win. Everything you do is just so perfect.

"Kai. Honey that was so sweet." I gushed over how cute that was.

"But I just have one question?"

"What is it?" I questioned

"You remember what mason said? Will I get a reward tonight?" He said sheepishly.

"Oh my god Kai."

"Answer the question."

"I don't know I guess we'll have to wait and see." I winked.

"Guess I'll have to speed home then."

"Guess you will." I laughed


I wish everything was as happy as Chelsea in 2021. I need Chelseas depression era to be over right now.

But anyways I thought this imagine was cute

Lmk any other player you want to see.

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