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On one world, the cast of Sword Art Online were doing their own thing.

On another, the cast of Jujutsu Kaisen was.

On another, the cast of Tokyo Revengers was.

Another, the cast of Spy x Family.

And another, the cast of Cyberpunk Edgerunners.

Then a portal opened up above each of them and they were sucked into it.


Kirito, Asuna, Yui, Suguha, Klein, Lisbeth, Silica, her dragon, Sinon, Itadori, Nobara, Megumi, Gojo, Nanami, Maki, Panda, Toge, Takemichi, Hinata, Mikey, Draken, Emma, Loid, Yor, Anya, Bond, David, Lucy, Rebecca, Maine, Kiwi, Pilar, Dorio, and several others from their universes were in a large theater.

"What the hell?!" Takemichi said.

"Where are we?!" Nobara said.

"D-David?" Lucy said in shock as she saw her boyfriend there, alive and well.

"Lucy?" David said in confusion before noticing the rest of his old crew there who, last time he checked, were dead.

"Mommy, Daddy what's going on?" Yui asked her parents in fear.

"I-I don't know, Yui!" Asuna said, as she was equally confused and afraid.

"Is this another game we're in? I don't remember us putting on nerve-gear of any kind" Kirito said.

"Yor, Anya, stay behind me. We could be in grave danger" Loid said as he got in front of his wife and daughter to protect them.

"Calm yourselves. You're not in any danger. I've brought you all here for a reason" a voice said.

They all looked around but couldn't see where the voice was coming from.

"Show yourself, asshole!" Draken shouted.

"Now, now. That's no way to speak to your host, is it?" the voice said.

Then, Luke Hansen teleported onto the stage.

"Who are you?" Hinata asked.

"Name's Luke Hansen. I'm an inter dimensional being from another universe, yada yada yada" Luke said.

"Another universe? You mean the multiverse is real?!" Maki said in astonishment.

"Bingo. Some of you are from the same universe, and some of you are from others. I'm already dealing with two other groups of people from different universes, but I thought I might as well add you all in and show you the multiverse. You see, each of you have variants out there in said multiverse, and I want to show you all some of them for your entertainment, and so you can learn from them. What do you say?" Luke asked.

"I'm totally in" said Gojo.

"Me, too!" Itadori said in excitement.

"I have no interest showing my family the multiverse. Send us home now" Loid demanded.

"If you don't agree then I'll tell Yor you're a spy" Luke said in Loid's head telepathically.

Loid was shocked by this, but then sighed.

"Fine" he said.

Yor and Anya were confused by Loid's sudden change in opinion on the situation.

"Now take your seats and let's begin" said Luke.

"Wait. How are my boyfriend and friends alive again?" Lucy asked.

"I temporarily brought them back to life so they could see this. They'll be dead again once I send you all back, but I thought you deserve to properly say goodbye to them" Luke said.

They took their seats, and Luke began the show.

Another book that's been in the works for a while. Make a request and so help me god I will fucking lose it.

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