chapter 2

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I open the door and let Tommy walk in first he looks very nervous.

"You can sit" nezu says as he looks at tommy who is nervously hovering near the door

Once Tommy sits down nezu pushes a tray with two tea cups on it towards tommy

I sit in the chair next to him as i sit next to him tommy looks more nervous

"Have some tea" nezu says to tommy as he takes a sip of his own tea

Tommy takes the tea cup while looking at nezu suspiciously tommy then smells the tea as if trying to tell whats in it tommy takes a slight sip then puts the tea down

nezu says as he takes a sip of his tea

Tommy looks at nezu suspiciously "alright. Well lets get started with why you wanted to see me cause im sure it wasnt just for some tea." tommy says as he makes eye contact with nezu

"You are right i did have some questions for you because you intrigued me."

Tommy nods telling nezu to continue

"Okay so to start do you have any family in this area?" tommy seems to tense up at the mention of family.

"Well i still dont fucking know what 'this area' is so im not sure."

"Well you are currently in Mufasa japan!" tommy looks confused at this

"What the fuck is japan?" how does this kid not know what japan is?

"Well tommy where are you from" nezu asks

"Im from Lmanburg duh." what is Lmanburg? nezu reaches under his desk and pulls out a large map

"Could you maybe point out where Lmanburg is?" tommy stands up so he can look at the map

"This map is different than ours."

"Hm interesting so im going to assume you dont have any family in this area right?"

"Yeah i dont have any in this area." he says but as he sits down i hear him mumble "barley even got family at this point." "so is that all you wanted to ask me?"

Nezu smiles slightly more "no it isnt. Do you by chance have anywhere to stay currently?"

"No but, I can do fine by myself." tommy says as he almost glares at the principle

I feel nezu look at me as he speaks "i dont doubt that you can do fine by yourself but if i offered you somewhere to stay im sure you would appreciate it."

Tommy stays silent

"What if i offered you housing and schooling until we figure out how you can make it home"

Tommy seems to follow nezus gaze and see's him looking at me

"And.. where exactly would i be staying?"

Nezu looks back at Tommy

"Well! Im sure Aizawa here wouldnt mind housing you!"

So thats what he was planning.

" also the fuck do i need to go to school for?"

"How many years of school have you done" tommy doesn't reply instantly as he just glares at the principle

"Ive done enough, i know all the helpful shit i know how to survive and fight as much as i need to in the world i know how to save and make money i know how to farm soo i'd say i'm pretty set"

"Well you could always use more schooling. You may learn some stuff you didnt know before and its only until we can get you home"

Nezu says as he takes a sip of his tea

"Fine. just dont be expecting me to pass." i see nezu look over at the tea that tommy has only touched once since entering the room

"Thank you, well i think you both can go and tommy i hope you are okay with staying at aizawa's home because he seems the most responsible"

I mentally sigh of fucking course i should have known this is what he was planning

We start to walk back to my car because hero training was the last class and it is now after school.

But once i open my door to get in i look back to just see tommy staring at the car "whats wrong kid?"

"What the fuck is that thing"

He doesnt know what a car is? Does he just not have cars where he lives?

"Its a car it will help us get to my home faster."

Tommy nods his head in response then he gets in the car

While I'm driving I suddenly hear Tommy say

"Hell yeah! It works!!" I then look over at Tommy

And there is this weird hologram like screen in from of him I decide to ask "what is that??"

"It's my communicator! Dream disabled mine for awhile because I was 'talking to people too much' apparently but I got it back now!" "Oh wow you can probably just say that's your quirk I guess"

"Wouldn't it be weird to have two powers? " Tommy asks two? What would his other one be? "Not really but what would your other one be?" Tommy looks to be in his thoughts for a moment until he responds "hmm I'm not gonna tell you yet"

"Oh by the way someone i live with is kinda loud so be prepared for that"

"Alrighty" Tommy says as he looks out the window

Out of the corner of my eye I see the kid try to message someone on his 'communicator' I think the name says tubbo? I then see a giant message go across his screen that says

"Admin disabled your messages to this user."

I hear him then mumble "of fucking course he made it to where I can't message tubbo. Dammit.." I hear Tommy speak again but louder this time "are we almost there yet?" He asks as he disappointedly closes his communicator.

"Yup we are actually there now" I say as we pull in and I cut off the car and step out I see Tommy get out the car then grab his bag.

"Oh and I also have 3 cats so I hope your alright with cats and the third we got yesterday soo you can name it if you want" " cool. I like cats."

Tommy says as we walk inside. 

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