chapter 3

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Tommyinnit POV:

When we walk in almost immediately a orange cat grabs onto my leg i look down and pick up the cat and the cat snuggles into my chest as i hold it i continue to walk behind aizawa. Then suddenly out of nowhere i hear "HEYY SHOTAA YOUR HOME!!" i will never admit i may have flinched. Bloody hell he's more loud than me. I guess this is the guy he was talking about. The orange cat jumps out of my arms and runs to Aizawa.

But then i see a little black and white cat with green eyes. That cat kinda looks like ranboo...

I think as i look at the cat then i decide to pick the cat up i smile slightly. I then walk into what i can assume is the kitchen and i see this tall man with long blonde hair and red glasses with green-ish yellow eyes. the blonde haired man suddenly noticed me and walked over to me and speaks to Aizawa "is this the little listener you texted me about earlier?"

I look at the man warily as i back up from him

i look for the black and white cat that jumped out my arms when the blonde man got closer to me "What is that black and white cats name?"

Aizawa replies to my question "oh that is the unnamed cat that i said you could name"

Well i already know what i'm going to name it "hm how about boo i would say ranboo but boo is easier to say"

"Ooo thats a cute name! Is there a reason you chose Ranboo or boo?" the blonde man says with a cheerful smile.

"Nah.. no specific reason"

"Okay! Anyways you can call me Hizashi!!

Then i hear aizawa speak "your room will be right here our room is at the end of the hall and the bathroom is next to your room." Aizawa says as he leads me into a room and Hizashi is behind me.

When i walk into the room it is honestly the nicest room that i have had to myself. "Woah this room is so nice, bloody hell this is amazing" i say as i look around the room.

"Okay well its 5:30 im going to try to start dinner anything you prefer tommy?"

I mean anything is better than the stale bread ive been eating everynight for i dont even know how long

"Uhh im fine with anything honestly"

"Yeah but is there like anything you are craving or want specifically?" Hizashi says

"Well anything is better that what ive been eating.." i mumble but i think they might have heard.

"Uh not really I'm honestly fine with anything"

"okay then! me and shota will probably be done by 6:30!"

I nod in response and they walk out and close my door behind them

I end up messing around on my communicator for awhile and i look around the room for a bit. It is probably 6:20 by now and i decide to use a little bit of ghostburs blue while i am rustling through my bag i dont hear the door open so i take out the potion pottle that i stored ghostburs blue in i pour some of the transparent liquid on my arm and it starts to turn into a blue that looks just like friends wool as it sucks up my sadness. I wipe the liquid off with my other sleeve when im done and i put the top back onto the bottle of blue. And put it back into my bag. Then i notice Aizawa standing in my doorway and when he realizes that I noticed him he says "hey kid. Dinner is ready but what was that clear stuff?" i stand up and close my backpack

"Oh its just some blue that a ...friend gave me anyways let's go eat." i say as i walk past Aizawa and he gives me a look that say 'we will talk more about this later' oh god he probably thinks im on drugs. I wait for everyone else to sit down before i sit down i sit next to Hizashi and Aizawa is sitting across from me. Aizawa then sit a bowl of what they called katsudon? in front of me. It smells nice so i hope i can keep it down. I also grab a cup of water to go with my food and i dont start eating until i see everyone else start eating and i assume Aizawa noticed this cause he gave me a odd look. I breath in then i eat a spoonful of it and if i'm completely honest this is better than any food i have ever had on the smp. It tastes so much better it seems like it has more flavor "holy shit this is amazing! Its so much better than almost anything from back home! And I thought niki's bread was the best it could get.." i hear Hizashi chuckle a little

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