chapter 8

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"Uh okay ill go ask him for a shirt."

I say as i start to walk to hizashi and Aizawa's bedroom door.

I knock on the door and I hear Aizawa yell.


I open the door and walk in to see Aizawa brushing his hair.

"can I borrow a shirt I need one"

I ask once aizawa looks at me.

Aizawa nods then says

"Yeah sure grab one out of that drawer"

Aizwa says as he points at the second drawer of a wardrobe

tw/cw scars and body image struggles {its 3 sentences} starts after "I take off my blue sweater and my classic white shirt with red sleeves, Its not so white anymore its more grey-ish black at this point.." and ends at "I put on the shirt i got from aizawa."

I walk over to the wardrobe and pick out a shirt that says 'put your hands up radio' on it.

I look at the shirt for a second then decide that this shirt is fine.

I walk out of the bedroom with the chosen shirt in hand and i walk to the bathroom and shut the door.

I take off my blue sweater and my classic white shirt with red sleeves, Its not so white anymore its more grey-ish black at this point..

I look at my reflection in the mirror in disgust.

I look at the smiley face scars, cuts and burns littering my body from the punishments dream gave me when i talked to much or did something he didnt like.

They all hurt of course but the one on my neck hurt the worst out of them all.

I put on the shirt i got from aizawa.

I then put on my blue sweater and look at myself in the mirror.

I attempt to somewhat fix my hair it is kinda hard though because its matted with blood and dirt.

I end up making it look a tiny bit better than before.

I then open the door and walk to the kitchen then sit down in one of the chairs and i pull out my communicator.

Ive been checking it everyday hoping someone would message me, i dont even know if people can message me.

I havent been able to message people since exile because dream said that i shouldnt annoy people because they didnt want me there anyways so he made me not be able to message anyone.

I stand up and carefully grab a cup and get some water and i sit the cup down on the table.

I sit down and drink it while messing with the settings on my communicator.

"Are  you ready to go to the mall?"

I notice boo ontop of the couch and walking closer to me.

Boo then jumps on to my lap and lays there

I notice that aizawa is looking at me

I then rember that he had asked a question

"Oh, yeah i'm ready"

i say as i pick up boo from my lap and quietly apologize for disturbing him

I carry him near the door as i struggle to put on my shoes with one hand

I manage to put on the shoes after a minute or so of struggling.

I watch as  Aizawa, and hizashi slip off their house slippers and put on their shoes.

Boo then suddenly jumps out of my arms and onto the cat tree in the corner.

Aizawa looks at eri and then me

Aizawa then looks at the jumble of keys on his keychain he looks through his keys until he finds the car keys.

we all walk out and lock the door 

I watch everyone else get into the car and i follow behind.


sorry i meant to get this out yesterday but forgot 

988 words

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