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       after about two hours of being in the catacomb common room, rain had offered the hang out to end, claiming he 'had to get his dove home.'

       as rain was going around personally thanking everyone for being so welcoming towards you, dew walked over.

      "hey." dew said. "hi." you answered shyly.

       you had warmed up to most everyone, but dew still intimidated you. you could tell rain was the closest with him so you didn't want to mess up and make your friendship with the shorter ghoul awkward.

      "can i give you a hug?" dew asked, his stoicism being a bit contradictory to the request he had made. "what?" you asked, a bit shocked.

       dew didn't seem like the type to hug people—why on earth would he want to hug you?

      "can i give you a hug? you manifested my best friend without any knowledge on how to do so. i want to thank you." dew explained. you nodded after a beat, extending your arms. from under his nylon mask, you saw a small smile on his lips as he moved to hug you.

       the hug was tight and dew's tail had wrapped around your lower leg, a low rumbling sounding in dew's chest as well.

      "please visit. i think we could get along well." dew whispered after about a minute as he slowly pulled away from the hug. you smiled and nodded. "of course. i think we can, too." you grinned. dew smiled, hugging you once more before unwrapping his tail from your leg and walking off, patting rain in the shoulder as he walked by.

      "she gave you a sick name, dude." dew grinned at the water ghoul. rain laughed softly, nodding.

      "ready?" rain asked. you smiled and nodded, taking rain's extended hand.


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