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you smiled as you watched the sun rise, hearing the world start to wake up through your open window. waking up this early was entirely unnatural for you, yet you felt refreshed.

a crow landed on your window sill, looking at you with a tilted head. you looked around, seeing a discarded screw on your side of the window sill. you grinned, picking it up and holding it in your palm. you looked back to the crow, slowly inching your hand forward. the crow hopped an inch closer, cautiously leaning to take the screw from your hand.

though, it quickly jumped and took off as a knock sounded against your door, the bird cawing as it landed on a nearby tree.

disappointed, you set the screw down and walked over to your door. you pulled the wooden block open, glancing up to see a few sisters of sin holding at least 5 bags each.

      "good morning, y/n." a sister smiled. "morning." you smiled back, trying not to let your social anxiety show as you stepped aside. the sisters filed in and turned to look back at you.

"where do you want these?" a sister asked. "uh- on the floor in that corner is fine." you pointed to the far corner of the room. "what's in the bags?" you asked.

"your new closet. we had water take us to your old home and we got a basic idea of what you like to wear, then we went shopping." the first sister explained, smiling at you. "water?" you asked. "the ghoul you manifested." another sister clarified. "oh, you mean rain." you hummed, nodding. the sisters all nodded after a moment, making a mental note of rain's new name.

"anyway, get changed and go to the band's practice room. someone has requested to see you." a sister told you as they all started to file out of your room. "where's the band-"

the door closed.

"okay then.."

rain's fingers stumbled as he gained the feeling of being lost, in turn cutting off the start of pinnacle. his eyebrows furrowed as he stretched out his fingers, looking up at the rest of the band who had already set their eyes on him.

      "what's wrong?" dew asked. "i dunno..." rain trailed off, looking around. "where's y/n?" he continued, feeling the need to find you and guide you wherever you needed to go. "uh, she should be down here soon." swiss answered, "why?" he continued, hopping down from his platform as everyone mutually decided on a break. rain took off his bass, setting it on the stand as he rolled his shoulders.

      "is anyone taking her down here?" rain questioned, looking at copia. the fourth papa looked at aether, raising an eyebrow. "dew.." aether trailed off, looking over at the fire ghoul. dew looked up from picking at his claws, his tail flicking as he realized everyone was looking at him.

      "yeah, that's my bad. i'll go-" aether started, taking his guitar off. "no." rain cut in, grabbing his mask and quickly pulling it on before slipping out of the band room and rushing to the 'c' floor.

      "someone's desperate for female attention," swiss snickered, only to get whacked in the back of the head by cumulus.


rain hurriedly turned a corner, his tail flicking as you yelped in surprise, falling back. the water ghoul clutched onto your waist, looking down at you as he felt a lurch in his chest—the same lurch he'd been feeling since he could consciously think when looking at you.

"oh- hello," you smile, letting rain steady you on your feet. "hi," rain laughed softly, raising one of his hands up to cup your face. "you're alright?" rain asked. "yeah- yeah, i'm okay. just a bit lost." you nodded, raising your hand up to rest on rain's. the water ghoul smiled, grazing his thumb along your cheekbone, "good"

"can you take me to the practice room? the sisters that brought me my new clothes told me someone wanted me there." you smiled. rain nodded, biting back a grin as he stopped himself from telling you that it was him that wanted you there.

rain held his arm out to you, smiling at your laugh as you looped your arm through his. he looked you up and down as he started the walk to the band room, examining your outfit.

it was simple; a black button up shirt paired with black jeans. it almost looked like the uniform the ghouls wore on casual days. rain's tail flicked at the thought.

      you? a ghoulette? no way. he wouldn't let it happen.

      rain rolled his eyes.

      as if the ministry would bother with killing the manifestor of their band's water ghoul. it would kill him, you dying.

the incarnate bond, is what it was called. it was a rare phenomenon, due to how rare a human manifesting a spirit into a ghoul was. of course, it had happened few times before, but it had been years. and since humans aren't immortal, once the manifestor was gone, so was the ghoul.

rain looked ahead, keeping his face stoic as the thought about the day he'd eventually die. of course, he'd be with you again, but that didn't mean he wasn't scared. as soon as he had a physical body and had been brought into the ministry, he scoured every inch of the library, searching for answers as to how a human girl had brought him back to life.

rain looked back at you, his eyes softening.

he would be forever in your debt for bringing him back and giving him a home with those like him. though, they didn't know exactly how he was able to walk the earth, seeing as he didn't come from hell, but they were as close to family as he could get.

"i like the new look," rain commented, adorning a soft smile on his face as you looked over at him. you grinned, "i do too. there's a lot more fashionable pieces that they bought, but i figured i'd wait to show those off."

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