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rain was standing in front of a fireplace with you, his hand around your waist as you all waited for the ghoul you had somewhat met earlier. you were leaning into rain quite a bit, everyone's stares starting to make you uncomfortable.

finally, after a few moments, the ghoul you met earlier walked in holding a taller ghoul by the tail.

"dude, c'mon! i was so close to- oh.. hey guys." the new ghoul smiled, his golden eyes shining as the ghoul you met earlier rolled his eyes, shoving the other further into the common room.

"okay—now that everyone is here—water, who the fuck is that?" a ghoul with purple eyes asked, a ghoul with green eyes nodding along.

"this is my dove, y/n." rain smiled down at you before looking up at all the ghouls in the room. "and i'm rain." rain bit his lip to control his grin, slightly bouncing on the balls of his feet.

everyone was quiet.

"she.. she manifested you?" a ghoulette with white eyes asked, the other white-eyed ghoulette's jaw dropping. rain nodded. "so you weren't just obsessed with some mortal girl.." the red-eyed ghoul breathed, rubbing his hand down his masked face. rain chuckled nodding.

all the ghouls on the couch surveyed you, shock evident in their attitudes. rain looked down at you as well, leaning down to your ear.

"say something.." rain whispered, kissing your temple after with a smile. you froze up, looking at rain for a moment before looking back at the ghouls.

"um.. hi." you waved. "hi!" a ghoulette with yellow eyes waved happily.

after about five minutes everyone in the room had moved to the floor to make a circle and get to know you better. rain also went around and told you everyone's names.

"that's dew, that's swiss, that's aether, that's mountain, that's cirrus, that's cumulus, and that's sunshine." rain listed, pointing at the ghoul who's name he was saying. "you met dew earlier." rain told you, looking down at you with a smile. you nodded, smiling at all the very interesting creatures surrounding you.

again, apologies for the short chapters <3

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