Chapter 12 (my fav number😭)

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It's been 20 days now after the class ended and its summer vacation, I've been nothing but an unproductive bum.

Though I already completed my College forms and expected on going to the University in 2 weeks' time im so bored.

Sucks to have no friends at all. Speaking of which may be a stroll in Han River would help this uneasiness feeling go.

Taking my bike I cycled from our house to the famous river. Enjoying the scenery and the serenity that it brings I jump out of my bike and slump in the grass. There are only a few people around since it's already 7 pm. Since Nana won't be home for 3 days I don't really need to go back home right away. Closing my eyes I breathe in the fresh air. I miss having a friend. I promised to find one when I'm at University.

Covering my shoulders when a sudden cold breeze brushes my body I felt someone sat beside me. Gently opening my eyes I found a broad back in my side. I quickly sat up looking at the intruder of my silent meditation, he turned to meet my eyes. Silently we observed each other's eyes as we continue to look at each other.

It's been a while. Clearing my throat so I could say something I tried to open my mouth but it seems like words aren't available and my brain isn't functioning.

He seems to see it he ended the awkwardness between us. "It's been a while" Looking away since I think I might melt in any second I couldn't do anything but nod

"How are you?" he asked "I'm fine."

"You seemed not."
"How do you know?" still looking anywhere but him

"I can tell"
"Yeah, maybe you're right. You look like shit as well."
"I am"

Turning to look at him, it seems like he did change a lot. Looking at those dark circles in his eyes that seems so empty. His hair who I think wasn't brush for a long time. His crumpled hoody which I think he just took from his pile of clothes. But trust me, even with those things he still is fucking gorgeous. Life is unfair. 

I truly miss him. In spite of what happened, I admit I miss him so much. "Do you wanna grab some beer?" I asked while looking at the serene river. I felt him looking at me startled at my sudden invitation.

He didn't expect us to be friendly-friendly. He looks hesitant. "You don't need to. I'm just bored so I thought you'd join me."

"No! I'd love to." he quickly says. He stood up and gave me a hand "Let's go get some." Looking at his hands I shrugged my shoulders off and gave him my hand to help me stand.

I wasn't really thinking deeply. I just want someone to talk to plus since it's Doyoung, im glad.

Buying cans of beer in the nearest store and some snacks we went back to our spot. Looking at the night sky I layed down on the grass which Doyoung follows and observe the stars and the moons above.

We didn't even talk which I like, it's just good to have someone beside you even for a while.I'm not a good drinker but I was able to drink 4 cans of beer which is more than my limit.

Feeling a little bit tipsy I look at Doyoung who is still looking at the sky. We've been here for an hour but he seems to be deep in his thoughts. "Dobby.."  "Hmm?" He hummed not looking still. "I miss you.." maybe the alcohol is making me insane.

I shouldn't have said it. Too late tho. Startled he looked in my direction. He looks confused as he brushes his fingers in his palms. "I miss you more" he said softly like a lump has been removed from his throat.

Like he was meaning to say that from the beginning but he was too afraid to let it out.I turned around laying sideways so I could see him fully and trace my fingers to his face. Istg I'm too bold at this and I didn't know why. He closes his eyes as I trace his cheeks, nose, eyes but when I trace his lips in my fingers he looked at me straight in the eyes and looking at those dark irises I can see longing and love.

Or maybe I'm just too drunk for thinking it is
"How are you these days?" I asked. He have a deep sigh and looked at me again. "I don't know. But one thing for sure, It's never the same without you." "Really?" I don't know but looking at him makes me wanna believe he did.

He cups my face with his palms and pressed his forehead into mine. "I miss you so much, Jeongwoo. God, you just don't know how hard it is for me."

I don't know what urges me but I kissed him. Brushing my lips on his was like the right thing to do right now. At first, he wasn't responding at all but it didn't take a minute before we were both tasting each other's lips playing with our tongues. Lost in our own world.

After a long kissed we looked at each other for a long time. Breaking the silence I whispered. "Take me home."

Looking down on his feet he nodded and stood up taking my hands. He put my bicycle on the back of his car and we drove home silently. Lost in our own thoughts. He may probably think why I kissed him but I swear I didn't know either and I swear to kick me, slap me but I don't want to stop.

I'll probably regret this tomorrow.Watch me.After a few minutes, he parked the car in front of my house. Looking in my direction. "We're here." "Come with me," I muttered. See, how crazy I am.

As soon as we opened the door I drag him next to me and pressed our lips together.

Fast forward

(And that's how they fucked🏃🏻‍♀️)

Waking up from sleep, I didn't see him beside me anymore, looks like he already left and then I saw a note in the table beside my bed


Jeongwoo, I'm sorry I have to go. I think this will be the last time we'll see each other again. I was happy to see you last night. Never thought I'd be able to do so, you see, today is my last day in Korea. I'll be away from home for a while. I'll be studying in UK. I'm sorry for what I did before and God knows in reflecting on everything. Know that I love you for real Jeongwoo. I will forever cherish our memories.

Till we meet again



Shocked from what is happening I couldn't help but sob in my bed. I still cherish Doyoung even if he causes me pain. I never hated him. After all the help he did I never thought of hating him. I was in pain for his betrayal and for everything that's been happening to me that's why I had to heal myself. But seeing that I will not be able to see Doyoung again even just for the distance breaks my heart. I don't know if I ever love him coz I know for a fact that Haruto owns my heart but still, Doyoung has a special place in my heart that it breaks me to completely find closure to all of this. And the fact that he really did fall in love with me hurts more. He's probably hurting as well.We may probably see each other in the future,
but when?

I just hope he'll find his peace and probably love someone that is better than me coz I know he deserves it.

"Until we meet again Dobby..." I whispered.

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