The Goblin flew high on his glider through the skies of New York City. His gauntlet made a beeping sound, indicating a message coming through. He pressed a button and immediately a holographic image of Doctor Octopus came from it. "What is it Otto," The Goblin asked impatiently. "I found away to enhance the Venom DNA but, it will only bond with the others if I get a sample of Carnage, since that's what he was," Otto explained.
The Goblin growled, "How am I supposed to get a sample of Carnage?" The doctor smiled, "Your son became Venom by bonding with Carnage, there might be traces in his blood like there are in Parker's." The Goblin smirked, "Otto, you're a genius, I'll get the sample as soon as possible." With that, he disconnected the call and flew at full speed to Harry's apartment.
~~~ Avengers Mansion ~~~
Peter closed the door to Natasha's room behind him after their "training" was finished. He went into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee. He sat down at the table and groaned, "I'm drained, I need to get my fluids back up." Dr. Bruce Banner strolled into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee as well, "Oh, hi Spider-Man." Peter waved lazily, "Hi Dr. Banner." Bruce looked at Peter with a worried expression, "Are you ok Spider-Man? You seem tired."
Peter let his head drop onto the table, "I'm completely drained, I've been training a lot recently." Bruce nodded understandably, "Ah, I see. Natasha can be a little overwhelming, but she's the best we've got at hand-to-hand combat." Peter laughed to himself, "You have no idea." Bruce patted him on the back, "Don't worry Spidey, things will get better."
Then, a beautiful woman with a familiar tone of green skin strutted into the kitchen. Peter's jaw fell when he saw the stunning beauty. "Bruce, can you show me where the weight room is," asked the green goddess. Bruce walked over to her, "Oh yea, I forgot to mention, Spider-Man this is my cousin Jennifer. I gave her some of my blood so now she's She Hulk." She Hulk waved at the drooling young man, "Hi. Er... Do you need a tissue?"
Peter quickly wiped his mouth, blushing a deep red, "H-Hi." She Hulk smiled at the boy and turned back to her cousin, "So, where are the weights?" Bruce rolled his eyes, "They're that way, and are you ever going to revert back to your normal state?" "Is the Hulk ever going to speak full sentences," She Hulk shot back before walking away with a skip in her step. Bruce sighed and shook his head, "That's family for you." He gazed at Peter who was still staring at the direction She Hulk exited. "You like her don't you," he asked the teenager.
Peter stammered uncontrollably, "N-N-No, I uh... she's really hot." Bruce chuckled, "I can't say she isn't." Peter scratched his head with a quizzical look, "I thought she would be more like you when she 'Hulks out'." Bruce sat down with him, "She got the better part of the gamma radiation from my blood." Peter glanced at Bruce, "Why doesn't she go back to her regular form?"
Bruce sighed after taking a skip of his coffee, "Before the accident, Jen was very insecure, she was frail, petite, rather plain. But when she transformed she had all the confidence in the world." Peter nodded understandably, "I see, so she doesn't like who she really is." Peter looked at the clock and sighed, he was supposed to meet up with Wasp in a few minutes. Peter took his coffee and left the kitchen, "See ya Doc!" Suddenly, his communication went off. He looked down at his wrist to see Nick Fury, "What's up?" "The Goblin has been spotted flying around the city, rather close to a friend of yours," Fury explained.
~~~ Harry's Apartment ~~~
Harry let out a loud sigh as he walked into his penthouse apartment. It had been a long day at Oscorp and the stress of his father attacking the city was getting to him. He walked over to the bar in his kitchen and poured himself a glass of scotch. He strolled to the giant window and stared down at the city as he drank. Suddenly, an explosion threw him on his back. He groaned as he sat up and saw a huge, floating figure where his window used to be.

Web of Lovers
RomanceAfter a fatal battle with The Green Goblin, Peter Parker's life turns on its head. Harem story, mixed with Amazing Spider-Man, Ultimate Marvel, and Spider-Man web warriors storyline.