The Goblin monitored the large screens closely, examining the symbiote bond directly to Peter's DNA. "This is turning out much differently than intended," he said to himself stroking his sore jaw, "Still not sure if it's for better or for worse." The Goblin walked away from the monitors deep in thought, "I will have to alter the plan a bit to compensate for these unexpected turn of events."
He returned to the main room where his fellow villainous teammates were waiting. "There has been a slight change in plans; Otto I need you to hack into the S.H.I.E.L.D. systems again to find extra information," The Goblin told his partners. "I can't do that," Otto replied with irritation, "Whoever repaired their systems the first time put up a program to prevent us from doing so again." The Goblin growled, "Damn it, then we will have to infiltrate their facility." He turned to Sandman, "I believe we're in need of your expertise."
~~~ Avengers Mansion ~~~
Peter groaned as he sat through the briefing of a mission with his fellow Avengers. He played with his fingers while blocking out Captain America and focusing on something more appealing. He turned to Natasha who was sitting next to him, "Ugh, when are we getting out of here? I wanna do a little 'training' if you know what I mean." Natasha shot a glare at him, "Are you serious?" Peter sighed and sat back in his chair. He looked around to make sure no one was looking and slowly shifted his hand to her thigh. "Stop it," Natasha said in an angry whisper
Peter slipped his hand in between her legs, pulling down the zipper to her form fitting pants. Natasha let out a quiet sigh as he rubbed her sensitive clit. "Parker, if you want to keep your fingers, stop," Natasha threatened, giving him a death glare who in return smirked. With great force and speed, Peter stuffed three fingers into her tight snatch. Natasha bit her lip, trying to hold back the moan growing in her 's fanged grin grew as he saw Natasha's mouth hang open and her face flush. He could feel her pulse quickening from the throbbing of her cunt.
Natasha's breath grew ragged as Peter pumped his fingers in and out of her. She bit her knuckle to fight back the moan that was threatening to escape from her lips. "Widow, you OK," Captain America asked noticing her condition. Natasha jumped a little, blushing harder, "Uh yeah, just uh a little nervous." Captain America gave her a confused look as well as the rest of the team. Since when is the Black Widow nervous about a mission? Fortunately, Captain America shrugged it off and continued.
Before Peter could do the same, a hologram of Nick Fury appeared before the team, "Avengers, I need everyone on high alert! The Goblin and his band of escaped convicts have been spotted in New York." Tony sat up from his laid back position, "That's a little too close to home." Fury nodded, "You bet your ass Stark. Captain, take Widow, Hawkeye, Thor and Wasp with you to DC, I'll meet you there." He turned to Peter with a stern stare, "Stark and Spiderman, I need you to report to HQ immediately." Peter shot up from his seat, "What!? This is my fight, I don't need anybody else fighting it." Fury groaned, "They're after you specifically, if you're present during the battle, stakes as well as the casualties will be higher. Peter sighed in defeat, "OK fine, I'll be there."
~~~ S.H.I.E.L.D. Medical Facility ~~~
Ava let out a sigh of relief as the nurses cut the last of the incredibly itchy bandages, letting them fall from her body. She groaned as she stretched and worked her stiff muscles. "Any word on him," Ava asked the head doctor as he walked in. "I'm sorry Ms Ayala but Director Fury has ordered Spiderman to refine in HQ until further notice," he replied. Ava's face fell, "And you're sure that the tests are correct?" The doctor went to the cabinets and came back with medication, "Ms Ayala, we ran your blood through the system ten times, per your request, and they all came back positive." Ava took the pills given to her, cringing from the taste. She let her head fall in her hands, "How am I going to tell him this?"

Web of Lovers
RomanceAfter a fatal battle with The Green Goblin, Peter Parker's life turns on its head. Harem story, mixed with Amazing Spider-Man, Ultimate Marvel, and Spider-Man web warriors storyline.