"Oh man this is great," exclaimed Peter as he swung over the streets of his beloved city.
"It's been a little over a month since Gobby and his Bud Baddies juiced me up with a needle full o' Carnage. And so far things have been relatively peaceful."
Peter was taken out of his narration by the sound of Gwen's voice, "Kay Pete, there's a car chase in progress downtown. Driver's armed and deadly, nothing too serious for you."
"Thanks Gwen, on it," replied Peter.
"For those just reading the story, that's Gwen. She's been helping me out with my Spider-Man duties for a while with our sweet new S.H.I.E.L.D. tech."
Peter peered over the edge of a skyscraper he had stopped on. He grinned underneath his mask when he saw a rusty car rushing down the street followed closely by a string of police cruisers.
"She's one of my...ahem...'love interests' for lack of a better word. You see that all so famous spider bite isn't the only thing that flipped my life upside down. After a fight with Green Bean, girls just stared flocking to me. First there was Ava, my former teammate, then Gwen. Next was the cat burglar vixen Felicia aka Black Cat and last but certainly not least one of my closest friends, Mary Jane."
Peter allowed himself to free fall a few hundred feet over the car chase Gwen had informed him about. He landed on top of one of the cop cars, enjoying the free ride provided by his partners in crime fighting.
"But what tops the cake is the fact that not only did I managed to get the hottest girls in New York, I somehow managed to hook up with some of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s finest, pun intended, women. From Maria Hill to Carol Danvers."
The driver shot out of the driver window, shooting out the tire of the cruiser Peter was riding on. Peter quickly hopped off and webbed it up so it wouldn't crash. The driver snickered as he turned to face the road again.
"So if you could go a couple more blocks and make a left, you could just drop me off there," joked Peter from the passenger seat.
The driver jumped in shock, almost swerving off of the road, "What the- how did you get in here!?"
Peter pointed to the broken window next to him, "Window's broken." The driver pulled out his gun to shoot the web head only for it to be taken away by Peter. Peter crushed the weapon in his hand, "Hey you shouldn't just whip those out all willy nilly. Don't you know that 99 point ridiculous number percent of gun related deaths are caused by idiots who don't know what they're doing?"
With that, Peter shot a web at the crook's face, blinding him. Before he could try and get the webs off, Peter webbed the criminal's hands to the steering wheel. Peter put his foot on the brakes, making the car come to a screeching halt.
Peter slipped out of the window just as the police surrounded the car. "He's all yours officers," said Peter triumphantly before swinging away.
"Maybe this is true Parker luck."
Peter gracefully zipped into the hidden vent of the apartment and fell in front of Gwen. Gwen turned to Peter in her chair and smiled at the wall crawler. "Nice job Peter, that should be a new record," asked Gwen.
Peter shrugged with a cocky grin, "Eh it's what I do."
Peter and Gwen turned to the door when MJ entered the Spider Room. "You got something in the mail Tiger," said Mary Jane, handing Peter a grey envelope.

Web of Lovers
RomanceAfter a fatal battle with The Green Goblin, Peter Parker's life turns on its head. Harem story, mixed with Amazing Spider-Man, Ultimate Marvel, and Spider-Man web warriors storyline.