Chapter 2

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My next class is Trigonometry. By the time I got to class, the bell rang. I go to a seat next to Jessica.  

"What took you so long? You was almost late for class." 

"You think I don't know that/ I had to get rid of Logan. You remember you left me with him." Jessica's face automatically lit up. 

"What did he want to talk to you about?" After Jessica said that, Logan walked into the classroom. I sighed in frustration. The day can't get any worse. He gave Mr. Washington his schedule. While Mr. Washington was checking his attendance sheet, Logan looked at me and waved. Mr. Washington turned to the class.  

"Okay class. We have a new student. Logan, you can sit anywhere you want." Of course when Mr. Washington said that, Logan went and sat in the seat on the other side of me. He gave me that same cute crooked smile he gave me in the hallway. Then, he leaned up and looked at Jessica. 

"Hey Jessica." Jessica, of course, smiled back. 

"Hey Logan." Right after that, class started. Even though Mr. Washington was giving a lesson, I couldn't really pay attention. Logan was trying to get my attention. He kept tapping my arm. Finally, I lost it and I turned to him. I gave him a sharp look. He passed me a note.

Before I was able to read it, someone came to my desk and took the note out of my hand. I looked up to see Mr. Washington standing there, frowning. 

"Passing notes during class, I see." Mr. Washington turned to Logan. 

"Young man, we do not pass notes during class." I looked at Logan and gave him a fake smile. Mr. Washington turned to me. 

"And you, Ebony, should be ashamed of yourself." That is when Logan smiled at me. Mr. Washington is always strict so I was scared what the punishment would be. This is exactly why I'm always quiet in school, so I won't get in any trouble.  

"Now for your punishment, Both of you will get detention after school." I looked at Mr. Washington in shock. 

"Detention! Mr. Washington, I didn't do anything. Logan was the one who passed the note." The other classmates start snickering. I felt myself blush of embarrassment. Mr. Washington just walked off and start finishing up his lesson. I felt myself heat up with frustration. I looked at Logan and all I saw was red. Even though he didn't turned to me, I could tell he knew I was looking at him.I turned to Jessica. She had on her pity face. I turned back around. My parents will kill me when they find out that I have detention today. They probably wouldn't believe it because I never got in trouble. I was always a good student. I always got good grades. Ever since Logan got here, he start ruining everything. For the rest of class, I just laid my head down. I really didn't care of doing that because I was already in trouble. When the bell rang, I just sat there a little while. Jessica got up and hugged me. 

"At least your punishment wasn't something worse. You know how Mr. Washington can be." All I did was look at Jessica and gave her a hard glare and she looked away. I got up and went to my next class. Thank goodness Logan wasn't in any of my other classes because I don't know what I would have done if he was. When lunch time came, I didn't go. I just went to the library. I wasn't going to take any chances. When the end of the day came, I was almost eager to get home, but I remembered that I have to go to detention. Before I went to Mr. Washington's class, I went to my locker. Jessica was at her locker, packing up her stuff. I opened up my locker and got my stuff. Jessica shut her locker and turned to me.  

"I'll talk to you later." she said before hugging me good bye. We hugged and then I watched Jessica leave. I turned back around and frowned. This time I wasn't surprised. Logan was standing next to me.  

"Are you stalking me. What part of leave me alone do you not understand?" 

"First of all, I'm not stalking you. I bet you wished that I was stalking you, though. Second, I'm just going to my locker." 

"What locker?" Logan smiled at me and went to the locker right beside me and start opening it up. 

"You did this on purpose. You just love messing with me. This is your first day and you already messing things up for me."  

"I don't know what you talking about." Logan tried to sound innocent. 

"Whatever." I start walking away, but Logan grabbed my arm. I looked around to see if anyone was around. The hallway was empty. Logan pulled me close. I looked up into his blue eyes.  

"Get off of me or I will scream..." Before I got to say anything else, Logan kissed me. I was so shocked, I didn't react. Next thing I know, I'm kissing him back. His lips are so soft. I feel so weird, but weird in a good way. I felt sparks as soon as Logan kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we made out. As things were getting good, I heard someone clear their voice. I quickly pushed Logan away. I turned to see Mr. Washington was standing a few feet away from us, with a frown on his face. This is too embarrassing. 

"First, I catch the both of you passing notes. Now, I find the both of you in the hallway kissing." I was about to say something, but I stopped. I felt myself blush of embarrassment. I looked over to Logan to see his expression. Logan was just looking at Mr. Washington, with no expression on his face. I bet Logan didn't pay attention to any word that Mr. Washington said. I turned back to Mr. Washington.  

"Mr. Washington, I'm sorry..." Before I got to say anything else, Mr. Washington interrupted. 

"Just go to my classroom." After he said that very sternly, he stormed away. I turned to Logan and frowned.  

"See, look what you done. You just got me in trouble again...with the same teacher. If you haven't kissed me, none of this would have happened." I didn't even let him reply I just walked off without turning back.

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