Crown Princess On A Tree ❀

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"Your Highness, how have you been?" asked Mae-In's mother, pouring everyone a cup of tea.

Mae-In was receiving visitors in Gyeongchunjeon today. Her mother, her twin sisters, Yoon-Hee and to her greatest surpriseㅡ Hyun-Seo. Apparently, Hyun-Seo was "forced" by her parents to come here and congratulate her long time "friend" for becoming a crown princess.

So, she sat, ignoring the Jung noblewomen, Yoon-Hee and obviously, Mae-In.

"I have been fine! Just that I don't have enough freedom," said Mae-In, pouting at the end.

"What do you imply by saying 'enough freedom'?" asked Mae-In's mother.

"She can't sneak around easilyㅡ that's what she means, right, Mae-In?" asked Yeon-Soo.

"Shut up!" Mae-In snapped at her.

"Anyways, have you been causing trouble here?" Mae-In's mother questioned her.


"Her Highness was involved in a near-death experience!" Tae-Sak said, wide-eyed.


"No! I wasn't! Haha! Tae-Sak!That was just a little insect!" Mae-In quickly made up a lie. "I got bitten by an insect. And you know how afraid I am of insects! Haha, I was so afraid that I jumped out of the window on the second floorㅡ"

"Tae-Sak, what happened?" her mother said, ignoring Mae-In. She obviously trusted the court maid more than her daughter.

"Your Highness, I am sorry I have to..." Tae-Sak whispered to Mae-In who turned as pale as a ghost.

"Her Highness snuck out a few days agoㅡ"

"What?!" Mae-In's mother exclaimed, slamming the teacup down on the table. "Your Highness, what am I hearing from Tae-Sak?!"

Mae-In remained silent as Tae-Sak continued.

"Yes... Lady Han. But, it wasn't her fault! She was given a boring task to do!" Tae-Sak tried covering it up.

"And then, what happened?" asked Mae-In's mother.

"Her Highness met the Crown Prince on her way. She took something precious with her and she was showing it to him. When they were crossing the bridge over the river, she dropped it into the water and she got confused. And then she jumped into the water for it..."

At this, Mae-In's mother stopped breathing for a while. She was as still as a statue. "T-then? What..."

"She was drowning. To save her, the Crown Prince jumped into the water. I am glad both of them are safe!" Tae-Sak finished the sentence, closing her eyes and joining her hands to pray.

"Mae-In! How dare you get involved in something so tragic?" Mae-In's mother put her hand on her forehead.

Mae-In remained silent. But the silence was soon broken by a high-pitched laugh. It was Hyun-Seo. "You can't swim, Mae-In!" she laughed and clicked her tongue.

Mae-In scowled at her. If her mother or sisters weren't present, she would've threatened to hit Hyun-Seo by now. "Hyun-Seo! You should respect Her Highness! She is the Crown Princess!" Yoon-Hee said to Hyun-Seo, who in turn stuck out her tongue at her, mockingly.

The conversation between them continued for a few more hours until it was twilight and the noblewomen were to leave.

After the Palace maids saw them off Gyeongchunjeon's entrance, Mae-In threw herself on her bed. Even as the Crown Princess, she couldn't escape the shackles of lectures and scoldings she received from her family and friends. Why is that so? She didn't trouble anyone yet to receive a scoldingㅡ

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