Rebels ❀

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Mae-In wholeheartedly attempted to pour a cup of tea to the Crown Prince sitting beside her but ended up knocking the cup down. The Crown Prince silently put the cup back on the table without anyone noticing.

Mae-In was seated in the King's room in Gangyeongjeon with the rest of the Royal familyㅡ the Princess, the Young Prince, the Crown Prince and most importantly, the King. They were discussing the upcoming events that were to take place this month over some light snacks. In a corner sat a Royal Scholar who recorded the events and conversations.

First was the Young Prince's birthdayㅡ which would take place next week and then followed by the Young Prince's birthday would be the Crown Prince's birthday another week later. It was a grand celebrationㅡ for the Young Prince would be turning thirteen and the Crown Prince, twenty.

It was already nerve-wracking for Mae-In, for she had to sit in the same room as the King with no one to back her up. After she had screamed at him thinking he was a general, she could not find enough courage to sit or stand in the same place as him. And on top of that, she had to sit beside the Crown Prince who sent butterflies down her stomach. So now, she was shaking in nervousness.

"So, Your Majesty, I would very much like it if you would allow me to include my special dish on the menu," said Princess Chae-Yeong who had just represented the idea of cooking by herself.

"I would definitely allow you if you knew how to cook properly, Princess Chae-Yeong," the King answered, closing his eyes to remember something. "The last time you cooked, Court Lady Bae had to take a leave for a week after she tasted your recipe."

The Princess looked down in embarrassment.

"What about you, Prince Ga-Yeong? What would you like to do once you turn thirteen?" the King asked. "I would like to resume my martial arts classes, Your Majesty." the Young Prince replied, bowing his head. "Surely, Prince Ga-Yeong. I will ask Master Yi to teach you again." The King nodded.

"Your Majesty, an idea just crossed my mind." The Crown Prince spoke for the first time. "You are allowed to express it, Crown Prince." The King permitted him to present it.

"How about, we ask the ones in charge of the borders to supply the soldiers with additional necessities and lower the costs of goods for the consecutive two weeks?" the Crown Prince asked.

"I will consider your idea, Crown Prince." The King nodded slowly.

Suddenly, the Head Eunuch, Eunuch Choi came into the room, looking quite troubled. "Your Majesty, you have reports from Minister Jang," said the eunuch shuffling his fingers in anxiety.

"Tell him to come later, I am having an important conversation with my family," the King said coldly, which made a chill run through the room.

"But, Your Majesty... H-he said that it is very urgent..." The eunuch breathed through his fear.

"Urgent? Alright, call him in." The King narrowed his eyes. Eunuch Choi bowed and left. Immediately, a very troubled old man in red came inside and bowed before the King.

"What is it, Minister Jang? I hear you have brought some urgent news?" the King inquired.

"Ye-yes, Your Majesty..." Minister Jang bowed. He looked lost for words. "Your Majesty, the thing is that... Master Lee Jin-Won has been... assassinated..."

An audible gasp was heardㅡ it was from the Princess. From what Mae-In heard, Lee Jin-won was one of the King's nephews, Princess Se-Yeon's son and the Royal siblings' cousin who had his headquarters outside the capitalㅡ in the mountainous valley of Mi-Yeon village. He looked after the foreign affairs of the nation.

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