Chapter 1

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On a large stadium, a girl in black cargo pants, white crop top and black windbreaker, stood at the center of the stage, holding a mic up high. Cheers and applause of the crowd rang throughout the place. The girl said thank you marking the end of the concert, and with one final goodbye, she went backstage.

Arriving backstage, she was lead to sit in front of the mirror, the artist proceeded to remove her makeup, revealing a face that could stun the beholder speechless. A person that seemed to be her manager entered the place and went near the girl.

" As per your request, I've emptied your schedule for the next week and prepared everything you will need for your monthly "surviving alone in the forest" as what you call it" the man said.

" Thank you very much, Ben" the girl replied with a smile.

The people around stood still, stunned for a while. Although this superstar is famous for her singing, she is also known for her beautiful face that rarely smiles.

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