Chapter 5

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I watch as Curtis skillfully roast the meat over the fire. After he heard the oh-so-embarrassing sound of my stomach growling earlier he left the cave to hunt something for me to eat, and also get my bags as I requested, though I offered to join I was blatantly rejected.

While he was busy I took out the things in my bag that I can't live without, which are my mattress, bedsheets, pillows blankets, and duvet. My bag is actually just so I can have a reason to explain how I managed to get these things here. In reality, I own a space which I filled with things I think are necessities.

When Curtis looked my way he seemed surprised with all the additional things in our home, well temporary home, so I explained "These are things that we use to sleep back in my place. And also the things I can't live without. I'll explain it more later." I then smiled at him after. But I think he took what I said very seriously.

"My love, are you okay? Why can't you live without it? Is something wrong? Should I get you more of that?" Then he tried to get near me. I sighed and explained "No my love, what I mean is that I love these things too much that I may not live comfortably without them. Don't worry, I'll be with you for a long time" Then I showed him my brightest smile, only then did he look relieved.

Sigh, my cute hubby, how am I supposed to resist that innate cuteness of yours? I giggle to myself and then lay down on the mattress watching him roast the meat.

A couple minutes more and the roasted meat is finally ready. He passed me the meat and I waited for it to cool down before eating. He then proceeded to encircle his arms around my waist giving me a hug from the back and making me sit on his lap. I leaned closer to him and found so much comfort and satisfaction in this position.

I must say I love being hugged, it just makes me feel so secure.

Curtis started to kiss my nape and then my neck, oh I just want to stay like this forever but some things need to be discussed first. I said "Curtis there's something I would like to ask of you"

"What is it, my love? Hmm?" he replied as he planted a kiss on my temple.

"Please be gentle" and with that I knew my smart snake understood what I meant.

(And y'all know the rest, I'm sorry I can't write lemons here. My friends are reading this and I shall preserve my image of innocence. *author is blinking their eyes cutely and innocently*)

I woke up to the sound of birds, and almost immediately felt the soreness in my body. This soreness though is kinda good it makes me feel the reality of what happened last night. I can't help but smile at the thought of finally having my Curtis as an official mate! So kilig!

"What are you so happy about my love? Care to share?" Said my oh-so-handsome smiling husband! Damn, can I fangirl just a sec?

"Good morning, handsome!!" Then I giggle. "I'm just happy at the thought that we're finally mated!!" After I said that, I can see the eyes of my husband visibly softened. Goshh, I can melt cause of those eyes.

Curtis went on top of me and gave me the most tender kiss. Oh I just love this man so much. After the kiss, Curtis looked into my eyes and laughed happily, then I joined him.

After we calmed down I remember something really important. I said "Curtis, where's your mark?" As I said that, I looked in the direction of my heart, and there I saw, right atop of my heart, a red snake curling its body, like it was protecting every part of my heart.

When I look up at Curtis I can see pure happiness in his eyes as he traces his mark. Then his hand caressed my cheeks and I lean closer to that hand. He said "Thankyou, love. Thankyou for loving me. I never really thought that I'd be in your heart. I was actually going to be content even if my mark was at your feet as long as you stayed by my side and kept smiling my way. With my status as feral, I never really thought you'd genuinely love me, and for that I'm sorry my love. Sorry for doubting you." Then he just hugged me, hugged me real close.

"I'm mad that you doubted me, but love I understand. Can you just promise you'll tell me everything that you feel? Whether dissatisfied or happy. Love I wanna know, and I want you to be honest. I want our family to be open to each other and never result to fights, instead we'll talk. Am I clear?" I said hugging him back.

"Yes love, promise. I love youu" then he kissed my forehead. Which earned a giggle from me "I love you too, hubby!"

This is the complete version!

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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