Chapter 2

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Inside the car, Klys sat on the passenger seat, listening to music while enjoying the scenery outside the window of the moving car. Currently on the way to the forest for her monthly escape from the world (is how she says it is).

This has been her routine for a few years now, ever since she has read "Beauty and the Beasts" she's been searching...

"Klys, make sure to not extend your stay at the forest" said Ben, her manager.

Hearing the voice Klys snapped out of her thoughts.

"I know, Ben" said Klys.

"That's exactly what you said last month. In the end, you stayed in the forest for three weeks! You left all your work, I had to cancel all your meetings and deploy a search party to ensure your safety!" Ben complained unable to contain the emotions caused by Klys's mischief.

"It won't be like that this time, I swear that was the last" she said and thought 'after all, I think I'll be able to find it this time' with a smile that's not visible to her manager's view.

Ben sighed and said "I'll be counting on your words then, Klys". Klys no longer replied and continued to stare outside the window.


They arrived at the entrance of the forest. The sudden halt in the movement of the car woke Klys up from her peaceful nap. Seeing that they've arrived, she went to get the two big backpacks that contains all her necessities. She checked the backpacks for any supplies that might be missing, and only when she confirmed that it's all complete did she start to make her way near the entrance with her manager by her side.

"Do you have everything you need?" Asked Ben.

"Pretty much, yes, it's all complete."

"Make sure to rest when you're tired. Don't overwork yourself, eat on time. And be very alert, the wild animals can't be underestimated." Ben started to nag her, as she has a habit of not eating her meals on time due to her busy schedule and overtime she got used to not eating.

"Yes, Ben. I will remember everything you said."

"Be safe, Klys. I will see you in a week's time."

"....." Klys stayed silent and did not reply to Ben's statement.

"Klys?" Ben called.

"I will miss you, Ben. Goodbye." Klys finally said. Smiling at Ben for the last time, the most genuine smile of hers that has been absent for years, and she turned around.

She walked into the forest, ignoring Ben's calls for her to clarify her statement. She ventured further into the forest, tracing the marks she's left during the last search she made. 'I should be very near it already last time, right?' with that thought she continued to persevere through the bumpy road that's leading her deeper and deeper into the woods.

She's been walking for hours now, it's already noon and time to eat.

'I should rest for a while and eat. The sun's too hot today. I should rest until the heat lowers a little' she thought.

She then found a tree that has enough shade to accommodate her figure. She took food from her bag once she set it down. Gazing at the blue sky that's color is close to the shade of blue of her eyes, her black waist length hair swaying with the wind. Taking a hair clip from her bag, she clipped her hair to let the breeze touch her neck. She began eating while enjoying the scenery in front of her and the calming sound of nature.

'I should be able to reach there before sunset today, just a little more. Just a little bit more...' she thought as she's in daze while eating.

After her meal, she cleaned up and decided to rest for a while. Moments passed and the heat of the sun began to subside. She packed her things and prepared to continue her journey. Standing up from her seat and taking one last look at the scenery, she then began walking again.

She walked up what seemed to be a hill and made it on top. Looking down from where she is, trying to see where she came from, which is not anymore visible due to the distance she's walked. It made her realize how far she is already, how far she from the spotlight, from the media, from the paparazzi and this realization made her....happy. As a beautiful smile bloomed on her face she continued.

Known as someone who rarely smiles, that's her. But that is only partially true, it's true she rarely smiles but that on the premise that she's with people she's unfamiliar with, because the only human she has been close to was Ben. Before all the stress, she used to be a girl who's smile is part of her being but after entering the entertainment circle where she has to deal with people who's after her fame, wealth and people who wants to push her down, the smile that's always been part of her...hid.

And now she wants to do what she wants, not what others want. And to do that she has to reach that place.


After walking for a day, finally!! She reached her destination, arriving at the foot of a big tree, the biggest in the forest, she sighed in relief.

'I have finally arrived, gosh I'm so tired' she thought.

The girl sat down on the grass with her back against the tree, letting herself relax. After a long day, exhaustion finally caught up with the girl, and unable to prevent it no more. She decided to concede and let sleep consume her. 


In a dense forest with tall trees that you can barely even see the top. Very big trees consist the forest that one glance alone will make you realize it is not earth. On the biggest tree, there's a girl at the bottom, the girl is sleeping peacefully.

Slowly the girl woke up having enough sleep, the exhaustion in her body already erased by sleep. The girl stretched and opened her eyes. Realizing the change in her surroundings the girl sat in a daze, after what seemed like forever the girl suddenly rose from seat and repeatedly jumped excitedly.

"OMG, it worked! IT WORKED!!! AHHHH!!!" she screamed her excitement.


Hello, everyone! This is the first time I'm writing and really don't know what I'm doing. Just want you to know that I'm really not good at this.

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