Part 10

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Part 10


I stare at Sang as she struts down the hallway, swishing her hips on purpose. Yes, I look at her ass. I have that right. She's mine. Luke grunts next to me and I narrow my eyes as I look back at him and see he's fixed his gaze on her rear as well. Okay fine, she's ours.

But last night she definitely was mine-all mine. It was my name she gasped, moaned, and then screamed. It was my hands all over her body, it was my cock inside-I clear my throat quickly. I'm too composed to lose control that easy. She'll have to do much better than move those hips.

"Well, Mr Taylor? Are you going to tell me why Miss Sorenson locked herself in a closet?" My voice is even, calm, perfect-intimidating.

He shuffles slightly left to right. "Wardrobe malfunction."

I raise an eyebrow. Luke only shrugs, then his eyes fall to below my waist and his eyes narrow. I follow his gaze and see red sticking out of my pocket.

"Reverse pickpocket," Luke chuckles, looking proud. He's been teaching Sang a few tricks.

I grab the tiny bit of red and remove it from my pocket. I pull out a lacy pair of panties. And the crotch is soaking wet.

I don't wait for Luke's reaction. I spin on my heels to follow Sang.


As soon as I round the corner from Luke and Owen I break into a fit of giggles, having to lean against the wall for support. I have never so brazenly flirted with so many of them in so little time. It feels beyond invigorating. All of these sexy guys want me. Me! Sang freakin' Sorenson.

"What's funny?" The voice is velvet and satin. Sensuality incarnate. Owen followed me.

I take a deep breath, cutting off my giggles, and turn to face him. Immediately my eyes widen and my face gets warm. He's holding up my panties, smirking his tiny grin. I don't focus on that for long though, because it's his eyes that have me overheating. They're liquid metal-mercury-and they're staring through me, devouring me.

He takes a step closer to me, and I feel surrounded by him. He's everywhere, everything. Flashes from last night hit me, and I get even warmer. His smile widens. He knows what I'm thinking. He always knows what I'm thinking.

"Am I funny?" Owen's voice is deep and silky. I want to wrap up in it, feel its smoothness on my bare skin.

I shake my head. There's nothing funny about him right now.

I watch, mesmerized, as he folds the panties and returns them to the pocket I had snuck them into just a few minutes ago. Then he takes another step toward me and I back even closer to the wall.

His little grin expands and he's smiling wickedly. "Are you shy now, Miss Sorenson? What happened to the confident vixen?"

Owen loves control. I love his control. But what if the tables were turned? What if I tried to be the dominant one? Could I even try?

"I told you to call me Sang while we're alone, Owen." I enunciate his first name, testing the waters.

I swear his eyes flash. "I recall."

"And?" I surprise myself as much as him at my calm and collected reply.

Owen's chin dips down as his eyes bore into my own. "Sang," he whispers.

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