Part 13

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Part 13


It's amazing how fast my team can move when we have a purpose. We're good on a normal day, but Gabriel texting that Sang's injected herself into our investigation and is currently on the move--to the exit no less--with our mark? That lights a fire

I know my team's converging to the door, although it's hard to tell exactly where they are in the throng of bodies and dim lighting. We know what to do. We've done this a dozen times before.

Except not. Never with this much on the line. This is why I don't want Sang involved in Academy business. Not mixing business with pleasure. Separation between church and state. Oil and water. She's so little...

My heart begins to race, palpitating at unsafe speeds. My blood pumps through my body, the pressure rising to hypertension. Black spots move behind my eyes and I become dizzy. I stop moving for a second and take a moment to close my eyes and relax. Mr Blackbourne helped me discover methods that work for me, way back when we first met, back when my episodes were much more frequent because my dad was still around--using my mother as his personal punching bag.

I count to ten, slowly.

I tense and then relax each of my muscles.

I remember the feeling of Sang's velvety soft lips, brushing my own.

My eyes pop open. Nothing will happen to her. Ever. And definitely not tonight.



I've alerted the proper people--the two DEA agents who actually hired us out on this operation and are stationed in a surveillance van, waiting. It's nice to have people in high places owe us favors. Not so nice when they sit on their asses and have us do all the grunt work. And definitely not nice when Sang's put herself directly in the line of fire. We've managed to keep her ghost status thus far, and if she's caught up with this dealer, all our efforts will be in vain.

I see North and Silas almost at the exit, their fists clenched and shoulders tense--ready to crush skulls. I hustle over and put myself between them and the door. We need a plan. We have to stall for a few minutes for the agents to get in place, and we have to catch the dealer in the act. They'll need more than Gabriel's word.

Speaking of Gabriel, he, Kota, and Luke meet up with us, itching to get to work.

"Mr Lee, report." I address Kota, not liking his flushed face--he's getting too worked up.

Kota takes a quick breath. "Vic and Nate are already posted outside. They're making sure Sang's safe."

North cuts in, swiping his hand down in a chopping motion, "We need to be out there doing the same. What the hell are we doing standing around?"

My gaze slides over to his slowly, showing him in my glare that his temper is unamusing. He holds eye contact for a moment, then his jaw clenches and he looks away. Satisfied, I start. "Here's the plan..."

I lay it out quickly and efficiently. Everyone nods. "Now let's go get our girl."


I know this was a short part--sorry! I'm having a tough time getting inspired, maybe I should re-read some CLStone... Or you guys could give me some inspiration? 

Also, it looks like Wattpad is getting interactive? But I can't insert gifs, which is so sad, because if you remember way back from the Academy message boards, I love me some gifs. 


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