Chapter 1. A good day

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Second person pov: You always wake up at 6:00 am on the dot to get ready for school. You woke up in the morning already dressed for the day so you get on your tennis shoes and make yourself breakfast.  This is also what bakugo does and while the first day in the dorms it was a bit of a surprise to find out you both had the same schedule now seeing him early in the morning is just another fun part of your day.

First person pov: "Morning natural disaster" Bakugo says as he puts jalapeño peppers into his omelet. "Morning boom boom boy" I say or at least I try to but the smell alone from his peppers is enough to make even the strongest lungs have an asthma attack. I cough a little bit before saying "how can you even eat those without breathing fire" "they're not that bad you're just weak" he retorts. I roll my eyes and continue making my diet friendly pancakes. Both me and Bakugo continue making our meals in silence weather it's awkward silence or not is a little hard to tell but either way it's broken after around 15 minutes by kirishima. "Something smells manly" says kirishima. He then looks up from the pancakes I'm making to give me the puppy dog eyes before saying. "So manly that the person making them might need a little help finishing them" I laugh and say "You know you don't have to ask anymore I always make pancakes for me, you, Kami, Tsui, and Mina. Plus extra in case uraraka or someone else wants them" "that's a good point" says kiri. "Morning guy's!" Says kaminari. "Shhhhhh. Good morning but do you have to wake up the whole dorm" I say sarcastically. "Oh come on lighten up a little bit" says kami. I roll my eyes for the second time this morning and continue cook. Before I know it everyone in the dorms are awake and eating breakfast. Kiri and kami are talking amongst themselves, while me, Mina, and Tsui are doing the same with one another. "So any idea of what Azawa sensei has in store for us today" I ask. "Beats me ribbet " says Tsui. "I just hope training won't be as bad as it was yesterday" says Mina. "Me too I'm still sore from it" I say. "Sore from what" says kami giving me a look I can tell means he's being dirty minded "this early in the morning and you're already dirty minded it's only....." I trail off checking my phone "7:56 shoot we've all got to get going" everyone agrees and we all rush to class. After we all take our seats Mr. Azawa arrives "morning problem children " says Azawa sensei. "Good morning Mr. Azawa" Everyone replies. "Today we are going to be working in groups of three now as you know tomorrow is winter break and when we get get back the weather will be colder. With that in mind you're assignment is to decide what if any changes should be made to your hero costume and to give your classmates HELPFUL advice on how they could do the same" says Azawa. I look over at kiri and kami we all clearly have the same idea as I see them looking at me and each other. We all nod in agreement understanding that we'll be in one group. "Now everyone group up and once you're done send in your designs while you do that I will be sleeping if you wake me up you'll be expelled" says Azawa as he lays down on the floor in his sleeping bag. Me kiri and kami all rush to sit next to each other. "So y/n what changes do you plan on making to your costume" asks kiri. "I don't really have to remember" I say. "What do you mean" he responds. To which I say "Well I have elemental powers which means I have water powers and in turn means I can change water to ice" "and that means you can withstand cold temperatures" says kaminari finishing my sentence. "Oh yeah I forgot about that" says kirishima. "We'll sense my costume is fit for cold weather and y/n's doesn't need changing what are you gonna do kiri" asks kami. "Well adding a shirt would be pretty manly but I've already sent in a design for that sense it's getting cold" kiri replies. "So I guess there's no more work left to do" I say. "Then I guess we can just talk" says kami. "So what are you guys doing over break" says kiri. " sleep, eat, be lazy, repeat" I say. "He said over the break not what you do every day" says kami. We all laugh. "Fine then what are you doing over break kami" I ask. He goes silent in such a way that tells me he and I have the exact same plans. "That's what I thought" I remark jokingly. And that's kind of how things keep going just like every other day, me Kaminari and Kirishima cracking jokes and simple hanging out with each other. This is just one of the many reasons I'm really happy they're my friends after all just knowing them has made my time at U. A. Two million times better than my time at my last school.

Third person pov: Time passes quickly and soon you all go to lunch. You always sit with the Bakusquad just like today. You sit down eat your food joke around with kiri and kami. Before you it lunch is over and your on the training ground training against Tsui and Mina.

First person pov: Mina shoots acid at me I dodge but get caught by Tsui's frog tough around my arm. I make a shield against Mina's acid so I can get in close. Then as Tsui tries to pull me to her with her tough I hold my ground and take her tough off of me by wiping it on Mina. Now just for a spilt second they're distracted trying to get unstuck which is my moment to strike "flaming tsunami punch" I yell, grabbing the attention of Mina and Tsui. A swirling mix of fire and water comes at the both of them they get pushed at least a hundred feet. My other classmates look to see what happened. Mina and Tsui are laying on the ground. "Hey are you guys ok I'm sorry I probably should have warned you I've been practicing a new move" I say running to see if they're alright. "That. Was. AWESOME! And such a move!" Says Mina. "I'm a little jealous I can't do that ribbet" says Tsui. "Oh come on it's not that impressive" I say.

Third person pov: and with that everyone in class starts to tell you otherwise they keep on telling you how cool what you did was even after you tried telling them that wasn't the case. Despite attempting to be humble you secretly were pretty proud of yourself and that night you went to bed with a smile on your face think about all the kind things people said about you and to you that day. All and all much like every other day at U. A. It was a great one.

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