Chapter 12. Back to school #2.7

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I've gotten my food and sat down at the table with my friends but I'm just stuck here staring at my food not wanting to take a bite. "You ok?" Asks Mina. "Yeah I just uhhh, don't want to eat..." I say. "I'll eat it for you." Kaminari says not understanding what you mean. Kiri and Mina give him a look as if to say "not that kind of don't want to eat" "here y/n you take a bite and I'll take a bite" says Mina. "Ok." I say. Mina and I continue to take bites of our food. With every bite I feel more and more like I have people that care. Suddenly I see Mr. Aizawa and present mic in the lunchroom. I can tell that Mr. Aizawa's take sneaky glances at how much I'm eating which only makes me happier to see that he cares. After me and Mina finish eating she says "great job y/n!" I smile and blush a little "thank you." "Mina has been hurting herself." Kaminari suddenly says. Me and kiri look between Mina and kami not sure who we should direct our questions towards. "I know that was a little out of the blue but I just can't take being the only one who knows." Kami says. "Mina, why..." I ask. "A lot of reasons...just please don't make me talk about it" she says. I sigh and say "whatever you do just...don't do what I did...please." I say. She nods and we sit in silence for a few minutes when suddenly Mr. Aizawa and present mic sit at our table. "So what's up little listeners?" Present mic says. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, I should tell them but won't Mina get mad? I glance at Kiri and Kami clearly wrestling with the same thing but I realize that I have to be the one to say something. I can't be a hero if I don't speak up when it's hard. "Mina's been hurting herself." I say quickly. Present mic and Aizawa look at each other and then at Mina. The silence is deafening. "Let's talk in private." Mr. Aizawa says and mic follows him. Mina goes with them which leaves the three of us to look at each other in silence. Kaminari must have seen the look on my face because he says to me "You did the right thing, if anything I should feel bad for not having the courage to do the same." Kiri chimes in with agreement. I take a deep breath and say "I guess you're right" we spend the rest of lunch talking and when it's finally time to train none of us have to go first so we and the rest of our class all get to continue our conversations. Eventually depression gets brought up and Bakugo says "Depression doesn't exist, it's just weak people who don't understand that life sucks sometimes!" "No it's not and saying that could be damaging to someone who has it." I say. "Yeah right, they just need to toughen up." "You do realize that some of the members of our class have suffered or are currently suffering from depression, right?" "Tch, like who?" He says condescendingly. I give a quick glance to kami and deku, two of several that I know have struggled with self harm. They give me a nod so I say "Kaminari, myself, and deku, just to name a few." Bakugo just rolls his eyes but thankfully does stop saying depression isn't real. Kaminari; who's sitting to my left, holds my hand in his to silently give me his support. I can't help but sit here thinking of all he's done for me. The way he's never judged me means so much and from the moment I met him we just seemed to click. He's always been there to support me and until now I've never really taken a minute to appreciate him this much. A blush dusts across my face and a nerve racking yet butterfly inducing thought crosses my mind. Do I like kaminari? Does he like me? Is that why he's holding my hand? Is he just trying to show support? Mina sits next to us, before I could ask anything about what she and the teachers had talked about she gives a very pointed look at kami and mine's hands. She then looks at me and and I give her a slight shrug. Afterwords we watch the training matches continue, before long it's over and we head back to the dorms. The day after was far less dramatic and has been pretty normal until now, it's late but I hear a knock on my dorm door. I open it to see-

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