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jungkook's blood was boiling as jackson and him returned to the gang hideout. he had been so sure that he would actually find jimin. his anger slowly pointed to jackson who he held responsible for this mess.

"you told me that he would be there!," jungkook screamed furiously, jackson jumping at the sudden raise of voice.

"i told you that i couldn't be certain," the other responded quickly and took a step back.

jungkook's dark eyes looked murderous as he came closer to jackson until the other one's back was pressing against the wall. their faces were only centimeters apart and fear was written all over jackson's face.

"jungkook please, i-"

"shut the fuck up," the black haired man growled and his hand found its place around jackson's neck.

"please d-don't kill me," jackson whispered, his voice unsteady.

there was almost no light in the living room, the sun had already set and only the moon tainted the house in a dim light.

suddenly jungkook leaned forward and pressed his lips onto jackson's. the other man's reflexes kicking in he shoved jungkook off him and fled behind the couch.

"what the fuck jungkook," jackson yelled, now angry as well.

jungkook didn't respond and just stood there, face up against the wall and breathing heavily.

"are you already over jimin or what??"

"sorry," jungkook finally mumbled, combing a hand through his hair, "i didn't mean to do this."

"i understand that you're desperate but you're loosing it. get a fucking grip on yourself," the other sighed disappointed and turned around to leave.

"n-no please," the black haired whimpered and when jackson looked him into the eyes, all he saw was a broken soul, desperate to do anything to get back the person he loved the most.

he sighed and rubbed his tired eyes, "alright jungkook, i will help you but please get a hold of yourself, otherwise i cannot deal with you anymore."

jungkook nodded as he slid down the wall and curled up on the floor. jackson couldn't help but feel sorry for the other man. even if jungkook had threatened multiple times to kill him jackson realized that he was just a broken soul and the only one keeping jungkook's shit together was jimin.

"i will call you when i find something," jackson ultimately said and left the other one alone.

it had been a whole week until jungkook heard something from jackson again. he didn't eat, nor sleep for a total of five days. he ignored his growling stomach, his teary and tired eyes and everything else around him. no one came around to look for him, not even jackson. after the third day jungkook had already lost all remaining hope that he would see jackson or jimin ever again.

he had both driven them away from him. he realized that everything that had happened was his fault only, because he had been too ignorant and selfish to realize that he had actually hurt so many people around him.

jungkook had never thought that there would actually be a time in his fucked up life where he cared about someone but eventually it happened and he managed to fuck it all up.

therefore jungkook was more than surprised when jackson eventually did call him.

"listen jeon, i think i've found out why we didn't find anything in gonjiam. there's reportedly a basement which is still in good condition. it was originally used for the craziest of all patients, some people say horrible experiments were performed in the basement. according to my sources there are some secret rooms down there where even torture took place. the basement is not on the building's plan because they wanted to hide it from the public."

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