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jimin didn't know how long it had been since he had been locked inside the white room.

a strange numbness started to arise inside his chest. he tried hard to ignore the pain and the misery he was in.

even his thoughts were empty. hours and hours passed by without him even realizing it. he could not think, he could not feel.

only his heart was aching slightly, longing for a certain someone. he hoped that jungkook would come and save him.

but the more time passed, the less he actually cared about being saved. jimin's only wish was to be put out of his misery, even if it meant that he would die.

no one ever came into the room again after the black dressed person had vanished. no one ever checked on him or gave him water or food.

jimin's mouth was dry and sticky, only filled with the irony taste of his own blood.

since no one had hit him he wasn't sure if he was perhaps bleeding internally.

after being left soaked with cold water his body went into a traumatic state. jimin had no feeling in certain areas of his body despite them looking physically all right.

his skin didn't feel cold anymore, it was burning hot and he figured that he had caught a fever.

jimin felt incredibly tired the whole time and almost couldn't hold open his eyes. the few parts of his body that still responded to him hurt like hell. his back was aching from being in the same position for a long time.

jimin had no tears left to cry and he also didn't feel like crying anymore since it wouldn't help him at all. he tried to sleep but even though he was tired to death he could not fall asleep.

a silent sound snapped jimin out of the trance he was in, looking up quickly.

someone entered the room. jimin couldn't make out the strangers face. his vision was blurry and even his eyeballs were burning. he tried to lift his head but his muscles did not respond.

someone giggled. it sounded dull in his ears, as if there was a window glass between them. the person came closer and jimin felt a slight touch on his chin before it was lifted up.

his neck gave in to the pressure and his head fell back. now the dark silhouette became clearer.

"pathetic," a voice said and the hand on his chin let go, jimin's head falling forwards again.

the voice sounded strangely familiar to him but he couldn't remember where he had heard it before.

thought now for him it was clear that he had met this person before even if it was only for a quick moment.

he tried to clear his throat but instead coughed quietly.

"how is it possible that you, the most despicable weakling i have ever seen, is such a pain in the ass?"

jimin's eyelashes fluttered as he tried to sharpen his vision to get a hold of the man's face. finally his eyes focused and showed a slim figure, dressed up in a black suit.

jimin tried to concentrate and his eyes slowly wandered upwards to the man's face. he saw black hair, falling in curls down on the person's shoulder.

the hair framed a sharp edged face, narrow and dark eyes, a soft but pointed nose and a grinning mouth with curved lips.

he had never seen this man before but he was sure that he had met him before.

the man seemed around his age and of an average height. he looked attractive but cruel. jimin tried to remember as much of his facial structure as possible, hoping that if he ever got out of this place alive, he could report him to the police.

𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 | ʲⁱᵏᵒᵒᵏWhere stories live. Discover now