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playing. - Snooze - SZA

(PS. Sorry if the grammar / spelling is off. I wrote this while recovering from surgery)


If you had the option to know everything or know nothing, what would you choose?

Surprisingly, a lot of people would choose to be ignorant rather than know everything. Weird, right? Now, you might be thinking: "[Name], what are you talking about?" and, "Who the hell even are you?"

Real great questions of course, but just hear me out, okay? With some time and some crime, you'll get where I'm coming from... and you'll know me!

Speaking of 'getting to know me', let's start simple: Hello! My name is [Name] Antares, and I, ladies and gentlemen, am the sexy, intelligent, esteemed superhero Insight!


You don't know who that is?

Y'know.. Insight? Member of the Guardians...12 million followers on Instagram, a well-known fan favorite? Voted hottest Guardian within the 12-18 crowd?! That Insight?

Still no?

Don't worry. You will.

Let's take it back a bit, okay?

I was born (maybe?) and raised in Baltimore, the city renowned for the two things that make people somewhat (not really) care about us: its aquarium and completely unintelligible accent! When my mother got pregnant with my sister and my father got a new job, my parents decided on a bigger place closer to suburbia than the city I was used to, making my mother's family a lot closer than anybody really wanted. They'd said they needed the extra support with the new baby, but I think they did just fine on their own.

Our new home was more modern, if anything, with a moderately sized backyard with a pool that's as clear as the waters of the Caribbean thanks to my mother's desire for perfection and the double life she lives on Facebook. The windows shone brighter, and the level of privacy felt significantly different than it did in the apartment we lived before.

No more noisy neighbors or stomping, no walking up 40 flights of stairs just to get to our door. All we had to do was pull up and walk in, and while nice, gave me a bit of anxiety with the newest influx of criminals with superpowers. Now, I can't say that we were poor beforehand, but where we moved was pretty damn nice. I went from living in an apartment in the city with shitty Wi-Fi to a house with the connectivity and internet speed of Red Rush, and I was always in a rush for social media at that age.

Ha! Get it?


I wasn't a very popular kid if you couldn't tell. I had, maybe like, 3 friends? Which, while it may be a lot to some, comparing that to the large class I had, was nothing. I was shy, and very socially awkward. Tripping over my words felt like clockwork to me, and while I was well liked by teachers and staff, my classmates didn't feel as strongly. But that's okay! Because the people I had, I held close to my heart, and they continue to be my best friends until this day.

And honestly? Looking back? I was really fucking cool, so it's their loss.

At the same time, as I got older, I felt like I got more acquainted with myself. Sure, I was still awkward and my social anxiety at times hit the roof, but I grew up! I became more self-assured, I talked to people more, and my looks definitely got more assured, if you catch my drift. I was never ugly, but it just feels... different now. Well, it is different, I guess. If I were still the same as 8-year-old me, something went incredibly wrong.

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