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(Sorry about changing the POVS. I've written this chapter about 4 times, but nothing about first POV stuck?? but! if you want me to change it, i can make it work.)

playing. - Duvet - Boa


You couldn't sleep.

As you stared up at the ceiling, you could feel the repetitive pushback between your exhausted body and your overthinking brain, your tired eyes attempting to close to trick your body into some semblance of sleep. Yet, each time, your eyes closed but you were given no rest. Something about Mark Grayson kept not only your mind racing, but your heart, too.

Stupid, wasn't it? Something about that dorky, slightly naive boy had you feeling more nervous and sicklier than any of the many battles you had won and lost as a Guardian.

As you turned on your side, your blankets shifted with you, the strike of the cold, previously untouched part of your sheets sending a shiver up your spine, your toes balling at the sudden icy feeling.

It was quiet. And while it was something you often seemed to beg for, it wasn't something that brought you much comfort. It left you alone in your thoughts, forcing you to really look inside yourself. And not in one of those weird analog horror ways, no, but in a serious reflection of your life. No more witty, almost embarrassingly slick comments to keep anyone from really seeing you. Just you.

Not the stylish bags you wore, not the shoes. Not your almost too intense skincare, nor the fresh nails you always donned despite the fact your fingertips grazed blood and teeth damn near each day.

Only you. Maybe you weren't as comfortable with yourself as you led everyone to believe?

You were dealing with the embarrassment and absolute humiliation of your behavior towards Mark. Something had gotten into you, and it felt... off. 

The sudden buzz of your phone caught your attention, your [E/C] eyes darting in its direction. Slowly, I reached for the phone, your freshly manicured nails scratching the case. As the phone lit up, your eyes squinted instantly in reaction to the sudden beam of light, your eyes burning in slight irritation. On the screen, a text from contact 'Rex' lied on the screen, and as you clicked it, a text message with an image attachment came through.


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