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playing. - Teen Idle - Marina and the Diamonds

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.**.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.* *.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.

When you were younger, being a superhero was your dream.

Fame, the adoration, the tight spandex suit, all of it. You wanted it all, and perhaps you hid a bit behind the ruse of fame or good, but you also enjoyed the power. The strength it brought you, the proximity to Gods you swore it brought; you enjoyed it. Every last bit of it. I guess not so much, anymore, right?

Perhaps that's how a lot of people feel about life. They're given a decorated pamphlet for their decisions, only to be smacked in the face by reality! For you? You got hit with a huge truck with a bunch of shit loaded on it. Sure, things got hard at times, but you always had people to rely on, people to teach you. The Guardians faced death on the regular, that was your job and you all accepted it. 

But this? This is something nobody could have imagined. Not for them. Not for you.

Never would you have imagined seeing War Woman's neck contorted in such a way; to see Darkwing's guts and body sprawled open like a cannibal's dream piñata, for Red Rush's head to be opened like a watermelon. It was unfathomable and for a second, you thought you were in a bad dream. 

A really, really bad dream.

You quickly understood that it wasn't as you sat in the cold interrogation room, the faint smell of iron lingering on you even after the quick shower you took in one of the infirmary rooms, the lack of any scented items leaving you with little choice to smell like anything other than pennies, water, and sadness. 

As you scrunched your face up at the steadily brightening light, the buzzing coming from it irritating you slightly, the interrogation door suddenly swung open, the familiar faces of Cecil and Donald entering your view, your heart sinking to your stomach. Cecil didn't look happy-- not that he ever did, but this time was worse. 

He was angry and seemingly disgusted with you, his frown deepening as he sat in front of you, his hands clasping together. His hands were turning white, whiter than usual, as he gripped his fingers, perhaps to restrain himself in some way, to let you have an easier time since you just saw the mutilated bodies of your teammates. But as he opened his mouth, you quickly learned that was not the case. 

"Feeling sorry for yourself?" he spat, his voice cold and chilled, befitting the room you both were currently in. 
You had no response. Of course you felt sorry for yourself! You were a 17 year old who just walked into a fucking bloodbath with remnants of your former teammates! Who wouldn't be feeling a little sorry for themselves?!

"Well? Do you have an answer or are you going to keep gaping like a goddamn fish?!"
"Sir, please!"
"Shut up, Donald!" 

Cecil snapped, his hands slamming on the metal table with a bang, the force slightly shifting the table to the side. You jumped, hands covering your ears to shield yourself from the noise, quickly looking back up to meet Cecil's gaze. Red in the face and panting, he looked absolutely mad, the recently faint veins bulging from his forehead in fury. 

"Why did you do it?!"

"I didn't kill them!" you retorted, your voice cracking with what you assumed to be exhaustion, but you couldn't be sure. Just like Cecil couldn't be sure you didn't take out your teammates. You were no Omni-Man, but your powers overcame some your teammates by a long shot, and without the suppressors Cecil had you on, you could do some serious damage, even if by mistake. 

Cecil couldn't let mistakes like that happen, not by a long shot.

"Oh, sure you didn't! You just happened to walk in when everyone else is dead and walk away unscathed! Why did you do it!"

"I didn't! Why are you so insistent that it was me?! How could I have possibly taken down the strongest heroes in the fucking world without a fucking scratch?! That's bullshit, and you know it, Cecil!" you roared, shooting up and getting in the same position as Cecil, your face hot with rage, your hands shaking violently. You didn't understand, you didn't understand at all! Why was he so insistent it was you?

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