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Hi, so thank you to @dirtleaf for requesting this. Hope you enjoy. Alexis is 24. I don't think that's relevant but it could give you a timeline sorta. So this is 2004, I think it would be. I'm not great at math.

Alexis pushes open the door, closing it behind her. She walks through Nate's house, toward the bedroom, which is where he would most likely be. She walks down the hall, opening his door.

"Hey, Nate. I'm he--" she looks up to see her boyfriend in bed with another woman. A bleach blonde, stark naked woman. "What the hell--You know what, I don't even care."

Alexis turns around, heading back to the front door.

"Wait, wait, Alex, its not what it looks like."

She scoffed at the excuse as she heard him stumbling down the hall after her. "Really? Cause its look like you're cheating on me."

"I swear it meant nothing. She means nothing." Nate grabs her arm, spinning her around to face him. Alexis jerks her arm away, taking a step back onto the porch.

"No, I meant nothing. If you really wanted to be with me then you wouldn't have brought her home." Alexis argues. "I can't believe you. We're done. This is over."

Alexis turns to leave when Nate calls out causing her to stop in her tracks.

"Well, that's hypocritical coming from you. You think I don't know. So you're not just a whore, you're a stupid whore." Nate takes a step outside.

"What the hell are you going on about now?" Alexis turns back around.

"That guy you hang out with. You think I didn't know you were hooking up with him? I'm just repaying you. Not that I cared that much about you at all, but revenge is nice."

"Who, Dean? I'm not hooking up with him. We're friends. I didn't cheat on you."

Nate scoffs. "I see the way he looks at you. He doesn't try to hide it."

"Oh, I get it now." Alexis nods, a humorless laugh falling from her lips. "You're just a paranoid, insecure, little bitch because I have a friend."

"I'm the insecure one in this relationship?" Nate asks. "Have you even met yourself? You're clingy, and don't even get me started on the constant need for reassurance, you think I'm gonna abandoned you or something every time I walk out of a room. You won't tell me anything about you, but need to know every detail of my life. All I know is you're a bitch, and using you was the biggest mistake of my life. Being around you is like being in hell. I think I'd rather be there then spend one more second with you."

Alexis wasn't easy to anger, most days anyway, but there were some lines that shouldn't be crossed. She could feel the rage stirring inside of her. A brewing storm. Dark clouds filling her eyes. Her hands shook as she blacked out. After that moment it became a blur.

A red blur.


"Hey, sweetheart. What's up?" Deans voice cut through the speaker causing Alexis to sigh.

"The sky, asshole." Alexis leans against the wall, curling the phone cord around her finger.

"Ha-ha. Really, what's going on? You're supposed to be with McDonald's boy."

"Well, uh, that's why I'm calling. I kinda found him cheating on me, the he said some stuff and I, heh, I beat him up." Alexis pauses. "Like really bad. Hospital trip bad. Now I'm in jail and I need you to bail me out."

"He what?" Dean growls. "What did he say?"

Alexis looks at the floor, she wanted to pretend those things he said didn't bother her, but they did. "Nothing too bad. Nothing I haven't heard before."

"I'm on my way." Dean says. Right before he hangs up Alexis hears him mutter one more thing. "I'm gonna kill him."


Dean glances at Alexis as she sat in the passenger seat of the impala, starring out the window. He wasn't sure what was going on, but something had changed. He was starting to see her in a different light. He was completely sure what it was the was different but something was.

He looks back at the road. "Darlin', what did he say?"

Alexis shrugs. "Not much."


"Really, Dean. Nothing." Alexis turns to look at him. She smiles, her lip was busted and she had a red mark on her jaw. Deans anger grew by the second.


" awake?" Alexis calls out into the darkness.

"Yeah." Dean doesn't open his eyes or move.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you think I'm... clingy?" She asks, her voice low and soft.

"No," Dean answers immediately. "why?"

"I don't know. Just wondering." Alexis goes quiet for a little bit. "Hey, Dean?"


"Do you ever...I don't know, regret meeting me? Am I difficult to be around?"

"What, no. Of course not." Dean shot up, looking over at her. He leans over, turning on the lamp. Alexis lay on her side, her back facing him. "Lexi, why would you say that?"

"I don't know." She shrugs. "Sorry to bother you. Just, uh, go back to sleep."

Dean stands up moving to sit on the edge of Alexis' bed. He sets a hand on her arm. "Sweetheart, what's up?"

"The sky." Alexis murmurs.

"Lex, look at me." Dean says. "Lexi, come on, talk to me."

Alexis turns to face him, hurt visible in her eyes. Dean felt anger bubble up inside of him, so strong he was tempted to go kill the guy now.

"Talk to me, darlin'." He says softly.

"Nate, he, uh, he said I was clingy and a mistake. And horrible to around. That I wasn't worth anything." Alexis admits. "It shouldn't bother me cause I was told that and anything like that my whole life, but I haven't heard it in so long. bothered me. He's been saying little things like that from the beginning."

"Lexi, listen to me, I don't care what he said, or what anybody in your family said, okay? They were wrong. They are wrong. They lost a awesome, badass person. Get some sleep. Don't lose it over idiots like them." Dean tells her.

Alexis smiles, nodding her head. "Thank you, Dean. For everything."


Dean slips on his leather jacket, glancing at a sleeping Alexis before walking out the door. The sun would be up in an hour or two. He had to be back by then. That's when they were supposed to leave. She'd never know.


Dean slams Nate into the wall, gripping his collar in his hands. "You will never say anything to her again. You will never see her again, you understand me?"

"Sticking up for your bitch, I see. Why, she's not even that good." Nate smirks.

Dean punches him again, blood covering his knuckles. "If you ever go near her again, if you even think about her, I will kill you. Slowly." Dean lets him go, glaring at him.


"So you ready to get out of this town?" Dean asks Alexis as she gets in the car.

"Yeah, and away from Nate. I'm surprised he hasn't called trying to get me back." Alexis closes the door behind her.

"Yeah, that's odd. He did call you every five seconds before." Dean starts the car.

"Good riddance. He was an asshole anyway."

"Yeah, he was." Dean agrees, a smirk on his face.

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