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And I said hello Satan, ah. I believe it is time to go


Two months have passed since Elijah declared war on me, however, I haven't heard from him since.

It has been peaceful. But there is something unsettling about this peacefulness that I can't wrap my head around.

I have been trying to enjoy it as much as I can.

Since the last time we saw each other, I have done nothing less than working twice as hard as I usually do. I am preparing for the unknown. I have to admit I am scared; I know I can successfully get through it though; I trust myself and this mafia.

Today is my birthday. I turn 25.

While I don't do a big celebration for my birthday, I still like to enjoy it with the people I love. Maria always surprises me; she is the creative one, so I trust her to come up with something interesting today.

Finally deciding to get out of bed, I quickly pick out a sweatshirt from my closet, it's December so it has gotten really cold. I enjoy it though. I love the coldest months and the comfort they can offer.

I make my way up to my bathroom, putting my hair up in a ponytail so I can correctly do my skin care. The small things I do in the morning I enjoy like no other, no matter how minor and insignificant they seem to be. It's a way to thank my body and maintain it as young and beautiful as it can be.

I begin brushing my teeth carefully going through every part going through it meticulously, afterwards I floss and use my mouthwash. After taking care of my mouth, I grab my face soap and apply it to all of my face, carefully massaging it in so the product can do its magic. I rinse it off and apply my moisturizer afterwards. And with that I am finished.

Exiting the bathroom, I head to my door so I can go and get some breakfast to start my day. But I come across a box that seemed to not be there when I first entered the bathroom.

Carefully scanning it from afar I decided to take a closer look at it, it seemed like a regular cardboard box. I open the door to check who delivered it but to my surprise saw no one in the hallway.


Closing the door once again I see a perfectly placed note on the side of the box. Something written on it with fancy handwriting.


Did you really think I would forget about your birthday?

This reminded me of you.

More questions plagued my mind, so I decided to just open the box to check what was inside. Only to make my stomach squirm in its place.

It was a real human heart. With the words Giovanni carved into it, with the same handwriting used in the letter.

Who could have done this? And why did they give it to me. was this delivered to me?

I ran back to the bathroom to wash my hands.

I am not scared of blood or seeing this type of things I have definitely seen much worse. But something about this situation I got stuck in seems sinister. In a different context I would be in awe, inspecting each ligament, artery, vein, and each strand of the striated muscle.

I cannot keep this though; I need to tell someone else about this.

Getting my phone, not before I made sure every molecule of blood was washed off my hands, I dial the person I trust the most, Maria.

𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐡 | 𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now