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Catch me if you can working on my tan Salvatore
Dying by the hand of a foreign man


Almost as soon as we arrived, we were interrupted by Roman, an old acquaintance of mine informing me he had important news for me. I am not mad by it, Arya's mouth was about to get her into trouble, I had no idea how much longer I could tolerate being disrespected the way she was doing. But she was an important piece in all of this, and I needed to be patient.

Roman and I have a mutual respect for each other. Our mafias are not publicly friends, but we are friendly. We keep out of each other's business and help each other for our mutual growth.

While my time of being don has been short, I have known him for a very long time.

He leads me to a quiet place outside the mansion the ball was taking place in, probably some garden, dark enough so no one could see us.

These past few days have been extremely tense for me, I immediately get out a cigarette and my lighter. Offering one to Roman, he takes it and we both light our cigarettes, inhaling and exhaling the smoke.

A small moment of peace.

"And why do I owe the pleasure." I ask sarcastically. I know for a fact that whatever he has to tell me will make things worse for me.

I am here because of a mission and every minute that pass is a minute lost from my time. I could be doing other things like closing a deal or handling manners inside my own mafia. Who would've thought that by killing the old don many problems would arise.

Nothing I can't handle though, the old regimen became too old, it was about time I took manners into my own hands. Even if we are one of the strongest mafias, I will only lead us to being the one and only strongest one without a doubt.

But first I need to get the Serbians out of my ass. After sorting that out I will be against the Mexican mafia, their leadership has been lacking for some years now, but Vincent doesn't let it show.

"I got from a trusted source that a revolution has started trying to throw out your state and Vincent's state." Roman exhales his smoke, getting the information out.

"And how do I know you are not lying?" I tense at the statement.

"You know I couldn't care less about what happens, my mafia has been stable for years and you have been a good business partner. Since our mafias are not openly allied, they probably thought they could trust me." Roman extinguishes his cigarette.

"Thank you for informing me but I am well aware."

"I would advise you to think fast, from what I know, Serbians, Japanese, and British have allied thus far, who knows how many people will turn their back to you." Without any other word Roman leaves.




With a flutter of nerves, I approached her. "I don't believe we've met before," I began, offering a polite smile.

Elizabeth turned to face me, her eyes a shade of green that seemed to hold a world of secrets. "No, we haven't," she replied, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

The conversation flowed easily, unexpected laughter punctuating our words. There was something magnetic about Elizabeth her confidence, her intelligence that drew me in.

She appeared to not be so fond of Roman. Making me wonder what the reason was that she accompanied him tonight. But decided not to invade too much, we were barely acquaintances.

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