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And you look even more handsome than you did the day that I left you.


The only thing I wanted to do when I got back to my home was to lay down and sleep. But I knew I couldn't. I needed to head back, right after the dinner incident. To report t to my dad who was waiting for me in his office as soon as I landed back in New York. 

I decided to go against informing him that I went to the diner, only telling him what he wanted to know. 

Figured that I really didn't get much information there, at least none of which he would want to know. But then again, he would want to know that the don of Italy's mafia wanted to work alongside me. 

Something inside me told me that informing him about it wouldn't be the best idea. So, I decided to keep it to myself until something important came up. 

Back then when Elijah gave me the offer, I thought he was stupid, or he thought I was stupid. Why would he think I would agree on working with him right after he backstabbed me? 

Back at the ball he didn't keep his promise on the contract.

Now that he was don, would things change?

Bizarrely enough, even though it had been half a year ago, I have changed. And he seemed to have changed too, I don't know if for better or for worse. 

Everything in me told me to refuse his offer, that's what my dad would want me to do. But I needed to start making decisions of my own. Sooner or later, I would end up being a mafia don and I needed to think like one whether I liked it or not. 

I got out of my head when the pilot started to speak on the loudspeaker, we were about to land. 

Realizing I still had no idea what I was going to tell my dad. 

As I stood at the open door of the airplane, the rushing wind tugged at my hair, sending strands flying in all directions. My heart pounded in my chest, a mix of exhilaration and nervous anticipation coursing through my veins. 

Taking a deep breath, I mustered all the courage I had and took a step forward, placing my foot on the edge of the plane's doorway. The cold metal of the aircraft sent a shiver down my spine, but I couldn't allow fear to consume me. 

I took a deep breath and walked forward, leaving all my worries behind on the plane. 

My chauffeur was already waiting for me when I got out of the plan. Letting me rest the 50 minutes from the airport to my home. Still not knowing what I would exactly tell my dad still filed me with anxiety.

I texted my dad when I was getting out of the black Mercedes. One of the many cars my dad owned. I quickly got a text back, informing me he was in his home office. 

As soon as I entered the mansion, I decided to head to the kitchen really quickly. Getting myself a glass of water and an apple, I wasn't a fan of plane food, but I was still hungry from all the hours I made from London to New York.     

Walking up the stairs to his office is when I finally decided what to tell him, still right before I opened the door, I let out a huge sigh. 

I knocked on the door 3 times before I opened it, my dad greeting me on his office chair, a bunch of papers on his desk layered out in front of him. 

"How was the flight?" He gets up handing me a cup of coffee from his coffee machine he has in a table. 

"It was fine, thank you for asking" I take a sip of the coffee, feeling my senses becoming more alert by the caffeine entering my system.

𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐡 | 𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now