1 | The Fallen Soldier

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Pandora's moons were upon the sky, the night coming in slowly as the air became cool. Lea'tuwa had been making her way through one of the large islands that were abundant in fruit trees and cooking herbs, her stocks being low at the moment. Holding her knife She gently began to cut down the large fruits that hung above her, the foliage rich and plentiful with edible plants. Brushing her hair back she set the now freed fruits into her pouch that was slung over her shoulder, noise in the distance catching her attention. Setting the knife back into its holster, her orange eyes flicked up to the sky.

First came a shadow, then the loud scream of an Ikran. The dark blue and orange Ikran screamed out again as it neared the brush, it's body crashing into the ground heavily. Her ears flicked down in fear as she rushed over, unsure of who this Ikran belonged to or why it was acting in such a way. As she drew near she took out her bow, holding it steady as she approached the flailing mount, it didn't seem harmed but it sounded like it was in pain.

It wasn't until it flipped onto its side and began to try and get up that she seen the rider who was still bonded to it, his body torn and bleeding; wrapped in sky people clothing. The Na'vi was unconscious, his Ikran acting on his pain and fear from their bond. Lea'tuwas tail flicked as she lowered herself into a crouch, the mount noticing her as it's large black teeth flicked out towards her, an aggressive hiss filling the air.

"Be calm, I'm not going to hurt you." She spoke softly in their native tongue, the Ikran rearing up as if it were about to fly.

Gently resting a hand on its snout Lea'tuwa paced around it, making it watch her as she neared its rider. It's eyes narrowed as she went to touch him, the male seeming to have been in some kind of brutal fight with the wounds and bruising. Barely dodging the jaws of his Ikran she released their bond, pulling him to safety on the ground as wings were beaten furiously before his mount disappeared. It was clear he wasn't part of the native Na'vi, his clothing and weaponry far from bows and arrows, his clothing something she had grown accustomed to, considering her upbringing.

Kneeling beside him Lea'tuwa cursed under her breath, eyeing his wounds; the large lacerations that bled to the point of soaking his clothes were going to be hard to patch up. He was soaked to the point of his clothes sticking to every curve and indent of his frame, the thick splotches of blood thinning around the edges of the wounds. Grabbing his arms she began to drag him, slowly making her way to her camp where she could treat his wounds.


By nightfall they had made it back to camp, the air brisk when out in the open. Pulling him into the small shelter provided by a large tree, she letting him rest on the makeshift bed she had been using prior. She began to make a paste for the wounds, blending several herbs and saps as well as preparing a traditional tea she had been shown when she was a child. In times like these it was used for comfort and relaxation, given how badly he was going to hurt once he awoke it was a good guess that he'd need it. When it came time to applying the paste, she gently removed his sky people clothing, leaving him in his minimal wear. The thick vest, green tank top and beige camo pattern pants being placed in a pile at her side.

Lea'tuwa also brought over her bandages from medical packages from the Sky people she had collected, applying the gauze to the more serious wounds and small stick-able bandages and stitches to the small scrapes after the paste was set. The slashes on his cheek being held together by thin stick-on stitches, her eyes running over her handy work.

After he was set to heal, she began to examine him. He was quite attractive, his head more masculine and sharper with features than some others she had seen. It was clear there was something different to him from the Na'vi, his hand holding five fingers and his laugh lines and angled nose also gave away that he wasn't totally of Na'vi decent; a hint toward a human crossbreed.

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