5 | The Sky Peoples Lair

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Waving his arms as the Crab Suit made its way onto the floating part of the ship he was currently on, the sudden spirt of gunfire making him scream out.

"Hey!" He jumped about trying to grab the operator's attention before he heard the scream of Lea and her Banshee. "You Fuc- STOP!" Shooting a few rounds he finally got his attention, his clothing and the fact that he was speaking English making the human stop in his tracks. A loud splash rang out as Lea hit the water, her Banshee screaming out as it made its get away from the fire, disappearing on the horizon. "Colonel Miles Quaritch, cease your fire!" He screamed out, pointing his gun at the operator as he called out his title and name.

Awe seemed to strike the operator as fear consumed his features, the suit opening as he attempted to get out. "Im sorry Colonel, we thought you all had died-" His voice was cut off as Miles dropped the bag and his gun before running to the edge of the wrack and diving in after Lea. A dark cloud surrounded her as she floated down into the dark waters, her blood streaming out of the two bullet holes as her eyes slowly closed.

With his arm wrapping around her waist, he quickly pulled her to the surface, gasping for air as they breached the water, pulling her onto the wreckage where the Human waited for him. Miles got to his feet, shaking the water from his face before cursing under his breath.

"My apologizes Colonel, I didn't realize it was you and that she was with you-"

"She needs medical help, when is ship coming back to retrieve you?" He growled, pulling the bags strap over his head and holstering his gun before throwing Lea's limp body over his shoulder.

"Not for an hour or two, they just dropped me off not to long ago. I can bring you to the Base of Operations if you'd like Colonel." Holding onto the side of the Crab suit he watched the two of them, not sure if he should help or stand back as Colonel neared his Banshee. The beast cried out at the Crab suit before huffing and submitting to Miles as he bonded with it and mounted it with Lea draped over the base of its neck.

"Take me there now, we don't have time to waste." Miles replied, taking off with his Banshee as the operator suited up and entered the water, remained just bellow the surface as he used his thrusters to lead them.


Lea woke with a start, her ears falling back as she slowly sat up. The surroundings were blinding as a large bright light above her illuminated the white and chrome room around her. To her left a large mirror was embedded in the wall her own reflection greeting her. She was wrapped in sky people clothes, her shoulder and leg wrapped up in gauze that had a small amount of blood seeping through the white fabric.

A mask was strapped to her face, a small tank hooked onto her waistband. Crinkling up her nose, she winced trying to get her feet under her so she could get up. As her hand grasped the strange mask on her face a loud voice boomed from an intercom above her.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, the air in here will; render you unconscious in a few minutes." After a moment the voice was gone, Lea looking up at where it had come from before letting out a loud hiss. Her orange eyes were wide as she realized who ever had shot her had captured her, Mile no where in sight. Had they got him too?

Getting to her feet she stumbled, using the small bed she had been on to keep herself up before stumbling to the large mirror, her fist hitting it a few times before she yelled out. "Where am I? What have you done with Miles!?" She spoke in the Na'vi mother tongue, hissing loudly at her reflection as she felt the bullet wound in her leg and shoulder begin to throb. When no response came, she began to look for a way out, the ceiling not too high above her, a large vent blowing cold air into the room. As she made her way over to it she heard the sound or the heavy metal doors opening, a hiss leaving her as she staggered and ended up on her hands and knees. Her tail swung aggressively behind her as she waited for the Sky people to enter.

Lea's ears drew forward as a Na'vi entered, his clothing that of military personnel. Miles. Her chest immediately became tight as he bowed in order to enter the low door, straightening up as his eyes met hers. His hands rose in surrender as he made his way over to her, trying to help her up.

"Lea, its okay, calm down." Miles started, kneeling in front of her. His hands remained up in surrender before she threw herself at him, her arms wrapping around him as a soft cry left her lips.

"I thought they took you, are you okay, where are we?" She spoke in Na'vi, Miles remaining frozen for a moment in shock before letting his arms wrap around her too in a gentle embrace. Confusion laced his features as he looked at her while holding her I his arms, her body quivering slightly under the shirt. She had been the one that was shot and wounded and she was worried about him?

"Im fine Lea, its you I was more worried about. He got you pretty good but we got you here in time to patch you up. We are at one of the command bases, it was the closest one to get you help. How are you feeling?" As the same between them grew Miles let his gaze wander over Lea, eyeing the bandages that had been applied to her thigh, the ones on her shoulder mostly covered by her shirt.

"Im, okay. Its weird being back in one of these rooms." Her voice was soft as she spoke, her arms wrapping around herself as her nerves began to rise. She knew they were probably being watched, the large glass mirror to their side probably holding a few scientists on the other side. "What am I wearing?" She inquired after a moment, pulling at the fabric that clung to her body. Her frame and curves still visible under the slightly loose materials, the collar irritating her neck.

"After they patched you up they put these on, we don't want the cadets mistaking you for one of them." Miles replied, letting his hand rest on her arm before getting up, holding a hand out for her. She took it and pulled herself up, still hugging herself. "Come, lets get you something to eat. I got some intel on my squad too... from what we know they were all K.I.A." His words were solemn as he paced up to the large door, the two sides sliding open as he ducked through.

"Im.. I'm sorry Miles." Lea spoke, trailing after him. Her bare feet slapped against the metal ground, her hand going to the mask that Miles also wore, but his hung loosely around his neck, every now and then he would take a breath from it. He offered a small shrug but his eyes held hurt, his tail barely moving behind him as he walked, leading her past all the sky people that looked up to her with wide eyes.

"It is what it is Lea, nothing I can do about it. Well there is, I plan to kill that crazy bitch.." Miles growled out, his ear flicking up as Lea clung to one of his arms, her orange eyes taking in all the faces that stared up at her. She didn't miss the awe-struck eyes or angry glares that had followed her around during her childhood. "Im hoping you can help me track her down, her and her mate."

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