2 | Teach Me

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It wasn't until mid day that Colonel awoke, slinging his bandaged arm over his eyes. That tea had done wonders in easing his aches and pains, not taking long for him to fully give into the sleep that had creeped over him. Pinching the bridge of his nose he slowly sat up, letting out a small grunt as he became aware of every bruise and wound his body possessed; his ears flattening as he rested a hand on his side.

"Good morning, how do you feel?" Came Lea's voice from outside of the shelter, her head popping in from the outside of the shelter as she crouched at the entrance. Offering a sweet smile, the eyed him, her head tilting as the beads that dangled from her hair made small clattering sounds. Colonel found his eyes wandering over now that he could fully see her without the shroud of the night, his ears flicking up towards her.

She was slimly built and wrapped in some kind of fabric that could have been human clothing, its texture mixed with natural looking beads and leathers that held it over her body. Her chest was wrapped in an 'X' that trailed down the sides of her waist until it ended at the tie of her waistband. Her lower half was concealed by a loincloth also decorated with teeth and nails from predatory creatures, a long cloth handing between her thighs that bore the same burgundy color as her chest wraps. Her hair was pulled mostly into the large braid that led to her bond, a few stray braided strands hanging at the sides of her face while others were pulled into small designs at the sides of the main braid.

"Sore." He stated softly in his gruff morning voice as his eyes trailed down her long slender legs, vine like fibers wrapping around her thighs like guard bands, small decorative beads lining the braided fibers. Letting his hand rest on the ground he watched as she entered the shelter, walking over towards him with a slowed pace. Her orange eyes searched his as she knelt before him, silently asking for permission to take a look at his bandaged wounds. His large eyes danced between hers before he turned his face away, giving into her silent demands.

"They seem to have closed up a bit, the bleeding has stopped." Lea informed him after she had gently unwrapped some of the less serious wounds, her tail remaining still behind her. With his side profile presented to her she examined him more closely, her head tilting as she took at his features once more. His sleeping face seemed far more peaceful than his resting one, his wounds not seeming to bug him as much anymore. She could tell by his decision to show his pride and ego towards her and deny her help that he was higher up in the rankings with the sky people, she had seen his like before.

Colonel let out a small grunt in reply, letting his golden orbs watch her from the corner of his eye. She was so close to him, if either of them wanted there could be a fight; most likely one that result in either his capture once more or his freedom. The thought crossed his mind but was interrupted as her hand gently brushed over his cheek leading to his upper lip, his ears falling flat as he reared away from her touch. Narrowing his eyes at her he realized her finger now held fresh blood, his lips pulling into a thin line as he let out a sigh.

"Your nose is still bleeding; you must have taken quite the hit." Lea spoke as she wiped the blood off, moving over to where she had the broken first aid kit, offering him some tissues from it. Colonel took them gingerly, giving her a look of distrust. "I've fetched some water and did my best to fix your clothing, its not the best but at least there aren't large holes in it anymore." Her eyes lowered as a disappoint expression crossed her face, her frame moving away from him as she stood and headed out of the shelter.

When she didn't return Colonel pushed himself to stand, using the wooden walls for support as he made his way out of the shelter. As promised his clothing was hung off some near by branches, softly swaying in the wind. They seemed dry and overall, pretty clean from how drenched in blood they had been the night before, the large fibrous stitching easy to see. His bare feet dug into the dirt as he paced further out, slowly limping to his clothing and pulling it from the branches.

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